Author has written 4 stories for Gallagher Girls, and Naruto. Hey guys! Stories: Hidden in the Shadows: A spontaneous idea I had upon rereading the Gallagher Girl series after a couple of years. It's an OC centered story so if you like reading about Cammie and Zach and all of the other original characters, I'm afraid the story might not be for you although I do incorporate original characters wherever and whenever I can! And also I am super excited because this is my first real attempt at writing a fanfiction! The Catalyst: I've literally had this idea brewing in mind for so many years and I finally got around to writing it. The original document of just a short drabble for this story dates back to 2015. However now that Naruto Shippuden is finally finished (and I don't really care much for the new generation), I thought this would be the perfect time to explore some of the older characters. I literally have so many different versions of how this story could possibly go (and even entertained many what if X died) to the point where I'm not even sure how the story is going to go. Oh well. We shall see. Are you ready to join me on this journey together? Disclaimer: I don't own the cover image for this story. I found it online and it fit perfectly of how I image her to be if she didn't die in canon. In the Name of War: AU if Konoha was never formed and the Senju/Uchiha rivalry was never resolved. Honestly, the first idea that popped up in my head was geared towards an original story, but two plotline evolutions later, it became what it is today. Funny how the entire premise of the story started off with one scene: girl finds wounded boy in the woods. Out of the all the fanfiction I've written, this one is my personal favorite; I think I finally got a good grasp of characterization for Team Minato and since it's AU, I've been able to add a lot more creativity with the plot. The genre doesn't seem to be as popular as Catalyst, but it would mean the world to me if you guys take a look at it! Future Works/Ideas: Honestly, In the Name of War was the last fanfic that I planned to write for a while (I wanted to go back to original stories) but then I started reading Team Minato time travel fics and honestly, I'm obsessed. I wrote the beginnings of a time travel fic, so we'll see if it goes anywhere. If I do continue to write fanfic, a time travel story is definitely on the list. Also, I started writing random bonus arcs that relate to Catalyst, but then that kind of veered off and turned into an idea of its own haha so we'll see if that turns out to be anything. I also have a profile under the same name at Fictionpress and Wattpad. Go check out my Fictionpress page if you are interested in reading some of my original stories/one shots! Posting my own stories has made me learn to appreciate people who review. I know I'm guilty of being the silent readers (I've submitted less than 15 reviews for the duration of my time on this site - since 2014). I'm also the type to leave long, thorough reviews so often times I feel like there's not much to say for each individual chapters and prefer to lump them all together for the last chapter. With that being said, I'm going to put it into writing (here) that I'm going try to do better with this reviewing thing since as a writer, I appreciate it and I know other authors appreciate it too. :) I'm open to pm if there's anything you ever want to discuss/let me know/suggestions/or really anything. I definitely love interacting with readers (as you can tell from my long author notes hahah) so it doesn't seem so dull where I post and people just read. -MM |