![]() Author has written 1 story for Sonic the Hedgehog. Because you know I'm all about that bass, Yeah it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two Because you know I'm all about that bass, I'm bringing booty back Because you know I'm all about that bass, Because you know I'm all about that bass, Because you know I'm all about that bass, Song By: Meghan Trainor This by far is probably one of my favorite song besides Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez, Shower by Becky G, and of course Fancy by Iggy Azalea. But this is my favorite because the meaning behind it and its catchy lyrics. The song has a really strong feel to it, with a strong message that I believe is true, the only real use of photo-shop should be to faboulize people and things for pure humor :p I don't know what to really put as my bio for my fanfic profile, but I'll try my best I'm a total anime freak who loves high-school romances, horror, action, and just friend based anime...(but my favorites are love anime) My favorite anime right now on it's 3rd season (technically) is Sword Art Online, the classic love/action anime thats very popular right now if I do say so myself. ;3 I also am a fan of Vampire Knight (although that ending REALLY disappointed me) Gakuen Alice (the only kid anime I actually like/love) Blue exorcist, FAIRY TAIL, FAIRY TAIL, FAIRY TAIL!! (sorry... :3) and Soul Eater Besides loving the fudge outta anime I really love playing video games, honestly my favorite type of games are shooters and RPG's. In the shooter genre I'm mainly into the CoD franchise, even though their recent game CoD Ghosts was sorta a big fail according to a lot of people which I think is a little too harsh... :/ BUT! I feel as though Advanced Warfare will bring a BIG come-back to the franchise, looking at all the leaks and sites... :D Besides the shooter genre, like I said, I'm also really into RPG's although I have only played 3 personally myself... but I have watched a TON of lets-plays on Youtube, so it makes it up... Hopefully *Sweat-drop* With gaming/anime I'm practically MARRIED to Youtube! All the tutorials, guides, and lets-plays, help me a lot in getting achievements, unlocking secrets, or just pissing my pants! XD (I'm referring to you KOSDFF, love your trolling vids I'm only 15 years old but I love to write, draw, game, and to do photography. I know I'm probably WAY too young to be writing fanfic and such, but I love Fanfiction, and I love reading the amazing stories that people write and post up, and I also love to write them. Although I sadly had gotten hacked and I had to start fresh. But I was recently getting into Fanfiction when I had gotten hacked, so I only had posted 2 stories on my profile. I wasn't able to finish my second story, but I still felt accomplished because I was able to post and complete a FULL story, based off of Pewdiepie's Lets-Play on Pom-Pom Gets Wifi... apparently my page is still running with those same stories on it, nothing changed, but I just can't get into my old account :( if any of you are interested or bored one day, you can check it out, I don't know if it's still un-harmed because i Haven't checked in a while, but the story is called Amy Pom Gets Wifi, since she IS my favorite Sonic character :3 My main thing I'll be focusing on my new Fanfiction will be Sonic the Hedgehog! :D Probably will be the ONLY thing, I can't help it! He's my hedgy! XD Well in my dreams, darn SEGA... Besides that, I will be focusing mainly on parodies of my favorite anime, then later on I will practice making one-shots, because sooner or later I would like to make a Sonic highschool, which is extremely popular on the Sonic section of fanfic! It's like any writer that has been writing for Sonic and co. have at least ONE Sonic highschool. And I would like to build up on that with pass experiences with first dealing with one-shots, to get the main gist of making couples and such. But be warned, there will NOT be lemons in any of my stories due to the fact I'm still a young-in, and well, that sorta stuff will just be blocked away from my mind-set and stories ;D But there will be steamy moments if you catch my drift ;3 I really wanna improve my writing skills so I can make awesome stories for you guys! And I will definitely try NOT to use auto-correct! XD Anyways that's all I feel nesscasary to put on my profile write now, hopefully in the future I'll add on to my profile to add and share more experiences and such! This is Cherry, and I'm outtie!! |