Author has written 3 stories for Please Save My Earth, and Prince of Tennis. Well, at long last I've joined the flock of sheep and joined . This is ironic considering that I write mostly NC-17 material, and has banned such material. However, I've been delving into some underappreciated fandoms, and I'm hoping that by posting here I'll get some reviews. NC-17 content will be removed from chapters with a note informing readers of such.At any time if you wish to see the complete version of my in progress fanfiction chapters, check http:///~miko_no_da If you want to see the finished version of something that's been completed, try my homepage first instead, since it's considerably more organized than my greatestjournal. A note on C&C: I am always, ALWAYS open to C&C. Even if it's just 'read it, liked it', I like to know that someone is enjoying what I've written. If you've got the time, energy, and knowledge to do in depth constructive criticism, I will love you forever. I'm not kidding. I love to have my stories torn apart (constructively)... how else am I supposed to improve? Nastiness thinly veiled as C&C will be ignored, or occasionally made fun of. Outright flames will be laughed at, and make me feel more like a 'real' fan author. |