Caelum T. Myers
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Joined 07-17-14, id: 5909401, Profile Updated: 02-19-16
Author has written 1 story for Amazing World of Gumball.

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Favorite Color: Blue, black and silver

Dream: Become a recognized and respected author.

S' up? As may be obvious from my dream, I am here to write. If you've read my stuff, please review. I can't get better without some feedback. I'm cutting my teeth on a fan fiction about The Amazing World of Gumball but I've fast forwarded a couple of years and have decided to begin at the end of junior high. I will consider some OC's but they have to be able to work into the story without disturbing the world of Elmore unduly.

A couple points, though, if you start following my work. First, my major flaws as a writer are character development, character interaction, flow, and economy of vocabulary (like flowery writing or unnecessarily lengthy explanations). So if you review please pay attention to these points. Secondly, I have no idea what I'm going to do with The Amazing World of Gumball: Going to High School. I write what feels right, but I can also find it difficult to write on a schedule. When I do write it's furiously paced. Many of my chapters were written one evening, reviewed the next and then posted. And lately I haven't been gripped with inspiration. I am trying though, so keep faith in me.

I am a Beta Reader. If scrutiny is what you want, I have it. And my corrections are gentle when asked for, but I am not going to treat you with kid gloves either. If you are adult enough to ask me to review your work, you are adult enough to receive an honest answer. Be mindful that I will not provide critiques of your plot; that part of the writing is all you and wouldn't be your story if I imposed my ideas on your plot. I am concerned with your actual writing. A bad plot will fall on its own even if the writing is sound. If asked to review a plot specifically, at most, I will ask questions concerning the why or, in some cases, the how of a plot. A plot doesn't need much, just a protagonist and a problem. The plot is just how the protagonist solves the problem. So if I ask you why your character is doing something, you are probably missing a problem and if I ask why there is a problem, you probably don't have a protagonist (j/k).

NOTE! I am a military member and was on a field op from Feb 9 -27. I just got back Mar 3 and am working on fixing the last chapter and writing the next. I am also a father of 3 and a husband. Do me a favor and don't get too hung up if it takes me time to release a chapter.

Update Feb 19th 2016: Have spent the last year homeless. I am sorry if some of you have been looking forward to seeing my next chapters. I am taking up the pen again, so to speak and I hope that thou all will enjoy my new submissions. Am writing this before I get started to create a reason to do it. Feel free too but me if you don't see something soon.

Amazing World of Gumball: Going to High School reviews
Gumball and gang are leaving Elmore Junior High. What's next for Gumball? Will he and Penny finally be an item? Will new romance bloom? What will High school be like? One thing is for sure; as Gumball and his friends grow up, the adventures and problems they have will grow with them. Hope you join us as Gumball's misadventure continues.
Amazing World of Gumball - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 44,908 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 50 - Follows: 51 - Updated: 2/19/2016 - Published: 7/18/2014 - Gumball W., Penny, Carrie