Author has written 16 stories for Warhammer, Daria, and Teen Titans. My name is Wordbearer, author of extremely pretensious (and typically very dark) Fanfiction. A lot of Titans, a touch o' Warhammer 40k, and even a lonely Daria sitting out there. Meh. I'm not the fastest updater on the face of the planet, but hopefully I can main a low but steady outflow of decent, maybe even quality if I presume, material. (This sadly is a goal I often fall short of, creaitve differences between my muse, my motivation, and hands. Blah.) But you're not here to read my pity party, you're hopefully here to read fanfiction. Enjoy. A few factoids and stuff before I turn you over to your own free will. Source Material I credit openly aka Shameless Plug Moment 1) (I love this place. Titans archives!) 2)A wealth of warhammer 40k background material (Say what you want about their prices, Games Workshop can pump out a nasty universe. So many ideas.) 3)Classic literature (I'm no expert, but every plot has already been done, the oldies contain the best of these recycled plots, that's why they're still around. Read books!) 4) (This is to Daria fanfic as titanstower is Teen Titans. Archives. Muy helpful.) Closing note: Like most people on this site, I like a flattering review as much as anyone. But after the dozenth 'It's good. Write more!' class review, one hungers for feedback. I don't care if you don't like my stories, dear children of my heart and soul though they may be, full feedback helps. I'm proably as guilty of it as much as anyone, but I like the insightful complaint, helps me grow as an author... So, be kind and make more than 'Be good' on your reviews, the site will be a better place if you try... Arrogant, I know, but it's my profile, not yours! (No insult intended) Quotes and Misquotes: 'All warfare is based on deception.' Sun Tzu, The Art of War. 'What's mine is mine. What's yours... will soon cease to exist.' Someone or the Other. 'Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.' Oscar Wilde. 'NOBODY'S MANLIER THAN CONAN!' Other, Oekaki artist (an in joke, I know, butI break into hysterics whenever I ever think about this line...) I'm back from vacation and should be open for business. Asia is nice but it has lousy internet resources. |