Author has written 6 stories for Witch Hunter Robin, and Inuyasha. I'm not dead, but as far as fanfiction is concerned, I might as well be. Consider this an archive. Posted Writings (in order of publication date): My Life's Blood (WHR oneshot) – If you don't know who Maria and Toudou are, don't bother reading this. If you're looking for a rambling inner monologue from an obscure minor character, you may proceed. And if you want that elusive substance known as Amon/Robin smut, you'll need to look elsewhere, since they're only briefly referenced and not by name. Sorry. Rising Sun (IY work in progress) – Currently my only multi-chaptered fic posted, and quite often the source of many headaches (both for me and any readers, I'd imagine). Inspiration for the plot comes from Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo, which is a wonderful book and highly recommended to all. Doubtless M. Dumas would be rolling in his grave if he caught wind of this fic, though, so mum's the word. Paradise Lost (IY oneshot/parody) – A backlash against the "everyone needs to be paired off" mentality, written in the well-loved and poignant "Don't name the characters until the end" format. It's cheesy and somewhat warped, but then, so are most romance-fics out there. This one's only saving grace is that it's short. Seduction (IY drabble) – Just so we're all clear, the pairing here is Naraku/Shikon (which is totally canon - they've made babies together!). And who is seducing whom? That is for you to decide. Raw Sueage (IY oneshot) – My Mary-Sue was defective. I should complain to the manufacturers. Ordinary (IY oneshot) – Some people were never destined for a happy ending: a response-fic to Lavender Valentine's "Rewind." Hers is better, if you're taking notes. |