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Joined 06-17-14, id: 5814167, Profile Updated: 06-18-14
Author has written 1 story for Ben 10, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.


I hit one of Vilgax's partners with the flames of Swamp Fire, one of my aliens. "There's to many of them!" Gwen yelled at me and Kevin. "I got a call from Plumber Base and they said to lead them all to a trap they set up!" I looked at Kevin and yelled, "fall back! before changing back to my normal form.

I saw Kevin's car and ran for it. I wanted to drive, at least once! I hopped in the driver's seat and slammed the door. "Hey! Tennyson! This is my car!" Kevin yelled. "But I - " I began. "Not the time to argue!" Gwen yelled, cutting me off. "Kevin, just this once?" Kevin glared at me, but finally said, "fine."

We sped along at full speed. "This is so awesome!" I yelled at Kevin. "You better not ruin my paint job, Tennyson." Kevin warned. "Ben, don't go to fast. We want them to follow us," Gwen said, shooting her Mana energy towards one of Vilgax's vehicles that got to close. "OK," I shrugged, and slowed the engine.

"One to our left!" Yelled Gwen. "I got it!" Kevin replied, and absorbed the medal of his car. He created a two faced hammer for a hand and hit the guy driving next to us in the head. "Where am I heading?" I asked Gwen. "23rd st. on Narrow road!" She said while throwing another Mana ball.

"OK!" I stepped on the gas petal. Kevin reached over and pressed a button that was placed on the wheel. "What's that do?" I asked. "You'll see," he said with his stupid knowing tone. Missiles shot from the back wheels and hit one of the vehicles to our right. "Whoa!" I said, and almost pushed the button again, but Kevin hit my hand away from the button, which really hurt, considering he had a medal hand.

"Ow!" I protested, and let go of the wheel. The car skidded to the right, scraping the right side of Kevin's car against the alien tech vehicle next to us. Kevin slapped his head. "Always you, Ben! Always you!" I laughed nervously, "heh, heh" and grabbed the wheel again. "Great," I thought. "Never riding this again."

"I see the trap!" Gwen declared. "Up ahead, just a couple minutes!" I slammed the pedal. I wasn't happy with Gwen doing the ordering around thing, I wanted to do that. All of a sudden, I felt dizzy and my vision began to blur. My sight became dark, I could only see shapes, and I fell forward.

I could hear the faint shouting that sounded like Gwen saying, "what did you do?" And Kevin replying, "I didn't do anything! He just slumped forward!" Then I heard Gwen scream, "get the wheel! Now!" Then I here "SCREEECH" and it all went completely black.

I became aware that I was on the ground. I felt something wrap around my legs, then it started pulling me. I couldn't keep my consciousness any longer. It all went dark.

Ben: "Hey! Why the cliff hanger? You left me unconscious!"

Me: "Well, I want the readers to keep reading!"

Kevin: "I would never let Ben drive my car."

Me: *rolls eyes* "Well, I thought you would, and what I say goes."

Kevin: "I bet Man Of Action wouldn't do cliff hangers on the show if something like that happens. Oww!"

Gwen: *smacks Kevin* "ugh." *rolls eyes* "give it a break, Kevin. Just once!"

Me: "Guys! Do you want to know what happens to Ben or not?"

Ben: "Yes!

Gwen: "Yes!

Kevin: "... No ..."

Me: "Fine. Kevin, you were over ruled."

Ben: "Hey!"

Gwen: * sighs * "boys."

Me: "I know, trust me, I know."

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