![]() Author has written 18 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Pokémon, Ouran High School Host Club, and Shiki. Hm... Where to start... Well rather than try to explain myself as a person, I will try to explain myself as a writer and everyone else can infer from there. A quick history is that I have been writing since elementary school, and while I can say my ideas back then were not half bad, my execution was utter crap. In my upper levels of education I have always been in advanced English and what I did to my language back then still sends shivers up my spine, but I improved over the years. I would like to believe I am still improving with every story I write despite how slow it may be. I am pretty much confronted with the issue most writers are in that originality is hard to have because almost everything has been done. That is why I started pioneering in fan fiction. I was an avid fan of manga, anime, games, cartoons, etc. anyway... I guess it was really only a matter of time, especially after I started reading them myself. I have been asked why I write so many times that it is not even funny. At first I had no idea what to tell everybody. I ran out of books to read so I just started doing it one my own, copying the grammar from the books I read. After the umpteenth time I was asked I finally thought about it so I would have an answer ready, and this is what I came up with: I write because I am looking for my absolute favorite story and I have not found it yet, so it may not have been made, so I am trying to hurry the search along by trying to create it myself. That is why I write. Preference wise in stories I will read pretty much anything that is not science fiction. I apologize to all fans of science fiction, but I have been scarred by that genre (along with the mecha one) so many times it is not funny. I would have to say horror and mystery would be my top favorites though, and I find it a little difficult to not stray into the supernatural area when I write. Of course, I love humor, too. It is just I love to laugh in between plot twists and seriousness, which is not always given. Even I get bogged down every once in a while and need something a little cheerful, but more often than not I like reading darker things. Since this is fan fiction I think I probably need to address pairings, to which I am apathetic. Romance is not really a forte of mine, if that explains anything. I do not really care who likes who as long as the piece is interesting. For the most part at least. Even I, apathetic as I am, can find scenarios in which I cannot imagine certain pairings be possible. The more invested I am into the characters the more likely that is to happen because of all the subconscious head canons I develop. That being said, it is natural to expect that romance will not be all that prominent in my stories and I will not dwell on any pairings. I may try my hand at it from time to time, but I know not to push my limits. The only other thing I can think to say is that I try to avoid swearing. Although I understand that it makes certain characters more realistic and I am not particularly adverse to it, using swear words all the time detracts from one's vocabulary. I am sure anyone can think of a proper example of this with a person who swears every second word. Plus it is not how I normally speak or write, thus it is a tad unnatural and can seem forced, which is bad as far as I am concerned. I think I can write perfectly well with mature themes without having to swear. This is pretty much my writing in a nutshell. The only thing I have not really covered are the areas I am writing in. Currently, I would have to say Hetalia, Pokémon, and the crossover Pokétalia. As I mentioned earlier, I have diverse interests and cover quite a bit, but these are the major ones I am paying attention to right now and can actually draw ideas from to actually write about. That being said, I really think you could mix these two with just about anything from my experience... So that is really all there is to it at the moment. (2015 Update) Though while it is true that I have not technically been on here even an entire year yet, I can honestly say I am glad I joined. Without the feedback and the tools this site has provided I would not have wrote nearly as much as I have. Strangely enough they all turned out to be Hetalia stories, which I find especially odd since at the time I was still incredibly new to it. Nevertheless, I would like to thank all those that have reviewed my work and are actually reading this page. I do want to apologize here and now about the spelling errors in a few stories. If I do not catch them in word before I post, chances are they will not be fixed all that quickly (if at all in some cases) unless they are especially egregious. Another thing I should probably apologize for is my wayward inspiration, without which nothing happens. It cannot be helped really. Eventually I always run into a dry spell when it comes to inspiration and chances are when I get hit with it again it is for a separate story. If it is any consolation, no story of mine is dead until I say so and even then there is some wiggle room. It really just depends. If you feel like you can inspire me yourself, (if you are that desperate) I welcome you to try. So as for now, I will try to wrap it up. The only other thing I more or less want to mention is that my new goals for this year are to add on to the stories I already have (hopefully until completion) and if I do start others, for them to branch out more than they have. I love Hetalia, but it is crazy that I have not really used much else compared to everything I have come across. A little variety never hurt anyone, and it would probably make me a better writer in the process. Here's hoping. |