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Joined 06-02-14, id: 5772318, Profile Updated: 06-20-15

Hai.. I Hvavcked Thhoss ACOCIunt

a little bit about me..

Gender? Female

Favorite Pokemon? TYPHLOSION!

Favorite Pairing/s? AshxSerena(Amourshipping), IrisxCilan(Wishfulshipping), DrewxMay(Contestshipping), LouisexSaito, KiritoxAsuna, NaruHina, NaLu, Jerza, RobStar TamakixHaruhi, YuukixKaori, KiryuuxYamagishi, Dipifica

Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? So much to list..

Favorite Anime/s? Pokemon, Zero no Tsukaima, SAO, OHSHC, Isshuukan Friends

Favorite Cartoon/s? Teen Titans/Go!,Regular Show, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe

Are you in love? Yes dammit.

Your Best friends/' name? Alyanna, Aaliyah, Cris, Jamaeca

Favorite anime op/s and ed/s?

Getta Ban Ban - Pokemon

V (Volt) - Pokemon

Innocence - SAO!!

Ft Funkist - Fairy Tail

Sense of Wonder - Fairy Tail

Overfly - Fairy Tail

DoriDori - Pokemon

X Strait Y Scenery - Pokemon

Sister's Noise - To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

Meteor Shower at Dawn - Pokemon

No Rain, No Rainbow - One Week Friends

Favorite Pokemon game? Pokemon Crystal & Alpha Sapphire

Do you love pancakes? Of course!

The person you hate the most in school? Nah no one. Everyone's kinda my friend in school even though if some are sometimes enemies.

Are you a popular student? Yes.

What is your favorite color? I have no favorite... oh well!

Favorite song/s?

All of Me - John Legend

Buko - Jireh Lim

Jet Lag - Simple Plan

Don't Forget - Demi Lovato

Wrapped Up - Olly Murs

Suck At Love - Simple Plan

Living Louder - The Cab

Endlessly - The Cab

Intoxicated - The Cab

Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab

Taking Over Midnight - Love Patrol Alpha(Mabel, Dipper, and Stan xD)

What Am I To You - Finn

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - can't remmeber bruh T_T

Somewhere We Only Know - can't remember it too lol

Two Birds - Regina Spektor

Castle of Glass - Linkin Park

What were you thinking when you read this question? Hats I love hats

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