Golden Unicow
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Joined 05-04-14, id: 5708800, Profile Updated: 07-22-14
Author has written 1 story for Fairy Tail.

Aye Fans/Stalkers!

This is honestly my first time using

I'm not the happiest of people.

I hate cliché love stories where couples run off into the sunset. xD. Sorry. In my stories, you gotta work to get who you love.

Even so, I do like fluff at moments. :') Just not when the typical Prince Charming is involved. -.=

Name: Since I hate my real name, call me Luna! (NaLu reversed)

Gender: Female

Location: For all my stalkers. I'm from Canada, eh. I live in a purple fucking igloo, eh. Like who the hell comes up with this bs.

Personality: I can be pretty pessimistic at times. To be honest, I hate humans 50% of the time. But the other part of me absolutely adores them. I love people who are understanding, selfless, funny, sweet, and just loveable. xD. When people make me mad, I turn into a sarcastic bitch. No shame whatsoever. I mean if you're going to mess with the people I love or be extremely obnoxious, I'm not just going to sit around and let you. I'm pretty sweet and funny when you get to know me! Yes, I'm the kind of girl who cries during the Titanic. I can also be a major pervert. Once again, no shame. xD.

Relationship: Non-existent. Forever alone. I'll become a tree-hugger or buy a cat for every boyfriend I've never had. :')

Anime Likes: Fairy Tail (It's like my life. xD), SAO (I love it so fucking much), Kuroko No Basket (I ship Aomine and Kuroko so hard), Tokyo Ghoul (I love Uta *-*), Free!, Corspe Party (This was creepy as fuck but amazing), Another, Deathnote, Kimi ni Todoke (so cute xD), Nodame Canatabile (This one was amazing), Lovely Complex, Mirai Nikki, Fruits Basket (My life as a kid), Ouran HSHC, H.O.T.D, Bakemonogatari, Inu x Boku SS, Amnesia, Oreimo, My Little Monster, Nisekoi, Durarara, Black Butler, Angel Beats, Tokyo 8.0 and about one million others.

TV Shows: The Walking Dead, Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes. Fuck Yes. Daryl Dixon. *o* Michonne *o* Glenn *o*

Favorite Authors: Richelle Mead (ADSHFISHGOLEOIERHO)

Favorite Books: I legit have a million. But right now it's "Bully" by Penelope Douglas. Oh and the "Bloodlines" series by Richelle Mead.

Fave Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny Depp baby), Harry Potter (Bloody Hell Harry xD), This is the End (Best. Movie. Ever.), 21 Jumpstreet, Lord of the Rings, Magic Mike (LOL), The Matrix, Marvel Movies (OMG IRON MAN), The Grown-Ups :'), THE HOBBIT (diehard fangirl), The Hunger Games, Divergent (Holy Shit, 4 is hot), Now You See Me *O, Fast an Furious (Hellz Yes), Tangled xD (child at heart), FINDING NEMO (Dory xD), Mulan (LIKE A MAN YOU MUST BE SWIFT AS COURSING RIVER. LIKE A MAN.-1 hour later after serenading my shower- :']), Maleficent, Avatar xOx, Hansel and Gretal Witch Hunters, and 100 more. xD.

Favorite Song (at the moment): "Oh Na Na" by Trey Songz

My Fanfictions:

Lean On Me: Chapter 14 in Progress

Love Lessons: A NaLu one-shot in Progress

Warped: Upcoming (after Lean On Me)

A Thousand Paper Cranes: Upcoming (after Warped)

Crafty Kitty: Yes. It's M rated. xD. NaLu one-shot Upcoming

Lullaby: NaLu one-shot Upcoming :')

Wet: A Gruvia one-shot. M :']

I'll be working on everything after Lean On Me is finished because I don't want to get distracted while making it. xD.

My Important Shippings:

Fairy Tail Ships:

1. Natsu x Lucy (NaLu) - My OTP 2. Gray x Juvia (Gruvia) 3. Gajeel x Levy (GaLe) 4. Jellal x Erza (Jerza) 5. Laxus x Mira/ or Lisanna o3o

6. Bacchus x Cana 7. Wendy x Romeo 8. Happy x Charle :') 9. Elfman x Evergreen 10. Zeref x Mavis - For some reason xD.

11. Loke x Aries (cute xD.) 12. Sting x Yukino - :') 13. Rouge x Himself? o3o 14. Lyon x Sherry :')

SAO Ships:

1. Asuna x Kirito Duh? xD. 2. Sugu x Kirito (HatersGonnaHate) 3. Klein x Kirito xD.

Kuroko No Basket: I ship everyone with Kirito xD. But here's my faves.

1. Kirito x Aomine - My OTP 2. Kirito x Kise *u* 3. Kirito x Ogiwara xD.

Tokyo Ghoul: It recently came out. It's amazing. Uta is so kawaii. xD.

1. Uta x Kaneki ;u; 2. Touka x Kaneki :')

That's about it for now. xD.

Lean On Me reviews
Inseparable at first sight. In Grade 3, they had their first fight. In Grade 4, they called him lame. In order to stay cool, he played their game. He started to make her cry. In Grade 5 she wanted to die. In Grade 6, his "friends" scarred her. She then in turn, had to transfer. But now it's high school. And oh boy, was he a fool. NaLu. :') Or StiCy (;
Fairy Tail - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 28 - Words: 128,319 - Reviews: 483 - Favs: 298 - Follows: 320 - Updated: 2/10/2018 - Published: 7/12/2014 - Lucy H., Natsu D.