Faithful Strings
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Joined 04-17-14, id: 5668309, Profile Updated: 10-04-15



After several months of being inactive on this account, I've lost complete interest in my stories and the fandom I write for. The stories I've written in the past have been an amazing part of my growth as an author, I'm glad I made so many people pleased with my stories! I'm grateful for your continued support, but I just have to dock this boat before it sinks completely.

One Piece will always be a wonderful part of my life, I'll always cherish it as the anime that really introduced me to a lot of things, such as crying over a damn boat. However, I don't want to be the author that just completely leaves her readers hanging, like I have done for so many months; I deeply apologise to those who have hoped that I'd continue my stories.

Due to the intimacy I hold with my stories, I would prefer to not have my stories re-uploaded and continued; I will always have a copy saved onto my laptop, so if I ever get inspiration to continue them, I can.

Now, before I get emotional and break my keyboard with an essay on my feelings, I shall sign off with the memories of this beautiful account. Cheers!

Thank you and stay safe,

Faithful Strings.

Deactivation Date: 05/10/15.

The Devil's Backbone by playingfree reviews
A new war is approaching and the Tomorrow People scramble to prepare themselves. Friends will turn and enemies will become their only hope. [Rated T for violence and mild cursing. Possibly OOC. A/U. OC centred story. You have been warned!] (Collab with HailHathNoFury)
Tomorrow People, 2013 - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,502 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 6/10/2016 - The Founder, OC