Author has written 12 stories for Revenge, Grey's Anatomy, and Star Wars. Hiya. It's Joanna, the emotionally-unstable "adult." My username is from a really lame LDR song -- I created this account in my angsty "no-one-talk-to-me" phase, so that's the story there. I'd change it, but shit, I don't know how. I'm working on my fourth novel now (one I'm actually gonna try to make presentable, hur hur), but in my spare time, I write mediocre fanfiction. Here you shall find the trashiest of trash -- my current victims are Han/Leia (Star Wars), Owen/Amelia (Grey's Anatomy), and, if I can edit it to the point of seeing the sunlight, Michael/Holly (The Office). I also run a writing advice blog where I try to help people and a personal blog where I try to hurt people (with angsty fandom stuff). This is not an organized profile because I'm not an organized person. Eat well and sleep deep. L o v e , littlequeenofthestage . |