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![]() Author has written 8 stories for Holes, Total Drama series, Warriors, X-Men: The Movie, and Teen Titans. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Just so you know, despite my name, I am female. The name is actually based off a famous serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer and I kind of thought it'd be funny if someone scrolled past and saw Jeffrey Dahmer was writing fanfiction... I thought it was pretty hilarious but no one else got it :'( But now I'm too attached to the name to change it! Also, I love making new friends so shoot me a message sometime because chances are, I'll want to be your best friend! 04/25/2018: Choices is finished, my friends!! It took me waaaaay too long but it's done and I gotta say, I'm really proud in the way it ended. It's funny because it was supposed to be one of those stories you read that isn't too heavy or anything and is just a cute story but the last chapter is a little intense xD 02/21/2018: Just an update letting you know that I'm still active and all my stories are still in progress, even though it might not seem like it. Choices will be finished, it's just getting the time and motivation to write the last few chapters that's killing me. I just realized that I haven't updated my profile in something like 2 years so it's fair for you to assume that I'm dead (I'm not). My Stories: Moments My first fanfiction! This got a total of 4 reviews and is about 4,000 words long but I'm still super proud of it and I kind of love it! Unlike most of my other stuff, it's not romance and focuses slowly on why Squid is like Squid. What makes him cry at night. What his childhood was like. What makes him tick. I'll probably come back to edit this and make it better though. Anyway, on to the summary!
Sognatore This is the place where I keep all one-shots, challenges, poems and basically anything that I think of and need to write. Don't even read this. Trust me, I'm telling you this as a friend. This is where my mind goes and unleashes it's crazy. But hey, if you want to see what's in my mind... you've been warned.
Really? I have finally gotten around to updating and completing it, so it's finally done! I can confidently say that this will probably be my first and last fic in the Total Drama fandom. I've been in love with the show for ages and DxC will always have a piece of my heart but considering how long it took me to finish a 14 chapter fic... let's just say that's a pretty big red flag for me.
The Challenge My baby... This is my first Warriors fic, first adopted fic - I got this from tr1xx777 - and this is one of my proudest pieces of work. It's funny though because this is the stupidest pairing ever. Like Foxleap and Swallowtail have never even spoken before this but I still ship them :) The cover was made by Leafsplash-of-ThunderClan and a friend of mine actually offered to make an animation for this so that should come out some time in the future!
Choices I'm done!!!! This took YEARS and I feel so bad for how long it took but it's complete and I love it and I hope you do too. It's funny because this started off as a side project for The Challenge and I actually think it's now long than TC. Because I started it so long ago, I've actually been playing with the idea of reuploading some chapters so they're better written because after reading through again, I was physically cringing whenever I used the wrong there/they're/their. Anyway, if you're looking for something cute to read, this is it. It's probably one of my less dramatic fan fictions out there but we all know me, it's got its drama in there too.
Apex Predator This fic has been under construction for months, getting every little detail perfect until I was ready to post it... and I finally have! If you're going to read any of my writing, read this because I've never put so much time and effort into a piece of work as I have with this. Updates are every two weeks :) (lol jk no they won't, these chapters take a really long time to write xD)
What If Another one-shot booklet! This one is soleley dedicated to AU's exploring what would have happened if _. What if Pinestar killed Tigerkit? What if Cinderpelt was never hit by the monster? You get the point. Anyway, I have whole list written out of what-if scenerios, but if you request one, I'll try my best to write it out. My Upcoming Stories: Untitled Story time: So I was watching White House Down and was like "Hm, I wonder if there are any fanfictions written on it?" So I took a quick check and there was only ONE, which was a crossover with a movie I've never seen before. I've taken it upon myself to try and add a few more stories to that archive. I understand that this fic will probably get zero reads but if you do happen to read it, be sure to drop a review! :)
Connections I've had this planned for a while but finally decided to get around to actually writing this recently. This is kind of like my other Holes story, Moments, but instead of following only Squid, it follows all of the boys and is kind of like an origins story for each of them. No romance, just the boys. Will be seven chapters in total, each one in a different POV.
Impulse I know I probably shouldn't even include this on my profile considering how much inspiration to write for this fandom I've lost but whenever I re-read it, I'm always brought back to what an original idea this is and how much fun it would be if I just sat down, planned out, and wrote it. It's one of those fics that has such an impossible pairing but if written right, it could really work.
Chasing the Wind Okay, another story I probably shouldn't include on this list but like for Soul Mate, I adore the characters and plot, I just need to get into actually writing it. This was adopted from my best friend, KatieK101, like a year ago when she casually says that she's been tempted to just send stories over to me to write and I accepted that offer. So yeah, weirdest adoption ever but I genuinely hope I get around to actually writing this because it would be a super cute fic.
I Plan on Writing For: Holes I am a Squid girl but I'm really interested in the guys and less so of their love lives. I plan to write a lot for Holes but it will mainly be stuff like Moments, like what led them to crime and what happened after Camp Green Lake. I think this archive is lacking a bit in the originality department so I'm going to try and write something that hasn't been done to death. I actually have an idea for a girl at CGL story, but it's completely original, I promise! Nothing you've ever seen before :) Batman Joker. Joker. Joker!!!!! I'll probably write stuff that involves him escaping Arkham. A romance would be fun to write but I know I am no where near talented enough to write a character like the Joker being romantically involved with someone. Parks and Rec BenxLeslie forever! They're so adorable and I love how much she absolutely hated him at first but then they slowly grew to love each other! Virals I don't really have a pairing yet and I haven't read all the books but I really like Hi. Not like a fangirl where I have wet dreams about him or anything, he just seems like a cool character to me and needs to be written about more. I might write a little more about his past or maybe about him falling in love. Avengers ClintxNatasha is my main pairing but I love pretty much every pairing in the movie. I definitely have to do more research before I even begin to write for this fandom but when I do, it will most likely have traces of Clintasha. The Sight I read The Sight and Fell and while I liked the first one better, I loved them both. I think it'd be cool to write more about Khaz and Kipcha if they lived because they were some of my favorite's but I'd also like to delve deeper into Morgra's past. I have some ideas bouncing around my head but it probably won't be a while before I get them down on paper. I've actually read The Sight so many times that the book is pretty much destroyed. there's creases on it, it's covered in a mix of nail polish, blood, and makeup and is by far, the worst kept book on my shelf. X-Men PYRO!!! I like a little Ryro from time to time and the whole love triangle between John-Rogue-Iceman is pretty interesting. I already have a few chapters written for a story that will be published in a few months so keep your eye out for that because I'm really excited for it. You can see the description for it if you scroll up to Upcoming Stories! It is by far, the story I am most excited for. Red Dawn No fave characters but I love the movie and I think it'd be cool to kind of write a continuation of it. Like, about what happened after they freed the prisoners. Because honestly, that's not the end of the war. You can't just take back a country in a day so writing about they're struggle and hardships seems pretty fun. Total Drama I already have a DxC story in the works that takes place after the end of All Stars! I usually don't write a lot of romance but I think this could be really good so be sure to go check out one of my newest fanfiction called 'Really?' After I finish that, I might start a Noah fic because he's one of my favorite characters and he needs more stories about him! I mean, I love DxC but you have to admit that they have significantly more stories than everyone else! Warriors I mainly write for Warriors and I put quite a bit of effort into each fic I write so go ahead and check those out. You might like them :) I'm starting to drift from this fandom though so don't expect to see a lot of me. Harry Potter I still need to finish the books but I would love to write something for this fandom. Maybe a Remus/OC fic? Because I've fallen absolutely in fictional love with him and there aren't enough stories about him, or the rest of the Marauders. If anyone has some recommendations, PM me so I can read them! The Maze Runner Minho and Newt will forever be my favorite characters :D I sometimes write random chapters for this fandom on Word but nothing's been published yet but you can probably expect something coming out in the future. I just need to think up a plotline that I love and then we're good! Pokémon I wouldn't mind writing a Pokémon fanfic but I've never really been hit with any inspiration or a plot. I'm not really the kind of person to just sit down and cough up a plot. Something will come to me from a dream or maybe something I saw/heard in real like and it just hasn't ever worked like that for Pokémon, you know? Anyway, I'm much too busy with all those stories above to focus on for the time being. BUT just so you know, I am a sucker for the Johto Pokédex and if I were to write something, it'd focus on that. Where Else can You Find Me: FictionPress: Ted Bundy Wattpad: TeganCarter Quotev: Tegan My Stories on Other Sites: FictionPress: Delilah's Path - This is a really cute and sad oneshot and I think it's kind of absolutely adorable. I couldn't tell you why but this is my favorite thing I've ever written :) If you want to read any of my work, read this! I just... I love it more than anything I've ever written before. It's also uploaded on my Quotev and my friend's Mibba account. Complete. Post Mortem - Four friends journey up the side of a mountain to get the need for adventure out of their systems before they're split up. But the trip quickly takes a turn for the worst when they find out they're not the only one's on the mountain. This is slow updates but it's one of the first things I've ever written and if you guys like horror, you'll like this :) I actually can't write this at night anymore because I kind of freak myself out thinking about it. In Progress. 5 Seconds of Summer Fanfiction: Win-Win - All Casper Stallone wanted was to go to Art School, become an animator for Pixar, and somehow convince her mother that she's attracted to boys. The first two challenges were easy... the last? Not so much. Enter Michael Clifford, the well-known guitarist of 5 Seconds of Summer. His entire life is on track; his band is finally becoming famous, he's becoming increasingly popular with the ladies and he's taking the world by storm. But after Michael's saucy one-night stand and Luke Hemming's big mouth, the boys find out they're in trouble and the only person who can help is the one and only, Casper Stallone. But all the great things come at a cost, and while they might be each other's solution, they're also part of the problem. In Progress. Quotev: Don't Look Down - Diversity have signed up to compete in the next hottest dancing show: Dance Xtreme. But so is the famous dance troupe Rush, and when Mitchell Craske starts falling for the enemy, both teams soon realise that their skills won't be the only thing put to the test. TRIGGER WARNING! This is the only thing I've ever written that has to do with depression and self-harm so just be aware going into this that it isn't going to be all rainbows and kisses. In Progress. I Miss You - Diversity is enjoying their vacation to Hawaii when Mitch is pulled underwater by a shark and proclaimed dead. The next day, Mitch shows up with not a single scratch on him and no memory of what happened; the only memory he has is of a brunette pulling him to shore. After his 'death' Mitch is dragged into a world he never even knew existed as he tries to find out how he is still alive. Wattpad: Just Peachy - When Tom Holland accidentally ends up with a stranger's phone at the airport, he has to find a way of getting it back to her. But the more he gets to know her, the harder he finds himself falling for the girl he's never even met. A story about lost phones, bad pick-up lines, and falling in love with strangers. My Favorite Stories: These fics are what I consider to be the best of the best. Not only are they well-written but they leave me thinking about them long after the last chapter. All of these fics can be found in the 'Favorite Stories' tab down below! So in no particular order, here are my favorite fanfictions (on this site) so far: Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Calla Mae): "She came from the bloody maze," Newt told Gally in disbelief. Newt looked down when Gally held his hand out, offering a small piece of paper; "I found this in her pocket." Newt stared at the words and read them over and over again: Keep her safe. But how did she get there, and what did it mean? Why does she know Thomas and Teresa? And why did WICKED send her? Newt/OC By far my favorite Maze Runner fanfiction ever. It has the most beautiful ending ever and everything about it just works so perfectly. It's one of those stories where you you can't stop thinking about it after it's over - I just can't put it into words how well-written this is. It can be really hard to like OC characters but Calla Mae made it work perfectly. The Maze Runner. You'd go out with Remus Lupin, right? (takethefirewhiskyandrun):
I'm usually not a fan of over-the-top characters but it's hard not to love Kate, the main character. This is such an easy read, especially when you're not in the mood for heavy drama, but once you start reading, it's hard to stop. I'm very picky when it comes to HP fanfiction and there are very few that I enjoy, but none as much as this one. Harry Potter. Rebel (KatieK101):
It's hard not to be biased about this fic because it was written by one of my best friend's, but I swear this fic is worth your time. Besides, I fell in love with this fanfiction before I became best friends with the author and decided that we need to get married ASAP, so I can assure you that you will not leave disappointed. It's very easy to read and it's hard not to immediately fall in love with the characters. In a fandom where many of the good stories are being buried under hundreds of incomplete trollfics and "Starkit's Prophecies" it can be hard to find quality writing. Thankfully, it''s possible to find a few gems in the rough, and this (and her other fanfictions) is one of them. Warriors. |