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Joined 03-16-14, id: 5594096, Profile Updated: 03-29-14

Hello! My name is Sean! Welcome to my Account! If you wanna get to know me a bit more, then continue reading! If you don't, jump in a bottomless pit :D

Anyways, let's get down to business, shall we?


You see, this is how I write chapters. I post a chapter or a few with a name, write "Please Come Back On (Insert Date Here) To Read" and sometime late that day, you'll be able to see it! It'll be late due to house work and chores and school and other crap like that. I also need some times to relax, and do other things in my life. Now, here, I will insert some facts about me.

My birthday is July 15th (Not Revealing Year)

I like Pokemon

I am trying to watch more Anime (please suggest an Anime if you know a really good one)

I hate Science but love my teacher

I'm allergic to nuts

I am a master Sword fighter... ON ROBLOX! lol

I hate reading books

i haet rong spelinga and hate impropur gramer

I smell like cheese

I have the cutest little dog

A lot of people in real life hate me

I twerk when I am sad

I am a boy

And my brother and sister have really weird friends

TV Shows I Like (Anime, Reality, Comedy)

Who wouldn't like watching TV? People who don't own a TV or is homeless is who! Anyways, I am going to list a couple of shows that I like. There is no specific order, so enjoy!

Full House


Phineas and Ferb

Kickin' It

Sam and Cat

Angelic Layer

Regular Show

Uncle Grandpa



Sanjay and Craig

Spongebob Squarepants

Good Luck Charlie

Fish Hooks


Movies. Funny, sad, comedy, and other crap like that. Who wouldn't like movies? Anyways, shall we get down to business, future followers?

The LEGO Movie

Pokemon Movies

Muppets Movies

Star Wars

And other movies (Surprisingly, I can't think of anything else)

Characters to Make Stories Funny and Other Twists

In my stories, there will be random people to just make the moment funny, or just cause twists within the series. These people only say one quote, but still. Here are the people!!!

Random guy - I'm a random person with lemonade!

Teenage girl - #likeyeahsololyoloswagtwerk

Stupid people in series - Say smart things when most needed


Aidan - *DROOLS*

And more :D

Future Stories

Alright guys. I am going to post stories I (Me, Myself, I, Opposite of You) want, not what YOU (You, Yourself, Potato, Opposite of Me) want. So whether you like them or not, please still be a follower and wait for stories YOU (You, Yourself, Potato... I think YOU [You, Yourself... I think YOU {You... I think YOU get it} get it] get it) so happen to like. Here are future stories!

Pokemon: What if?

Pokemon HeartGold: The 4-Year Journey

Pokemon White: The Black Dragon's Quest

Pokemon Black 2: The Younger Brother

Pokemon XY: Sean and Erin's Life and Death Quest

Pokemon XY: The Road to the Mega Evolution Master

Pokemon Crossover: Angelic Layer

Angelic Layer: What if?

Star Wars: Ace Volution - Silver Saber Holder

Uncle Grandpa Crossover: Regular Show

Regular Show: Thomas' Origins (One-Shot)

The Ultimate Crossovers From All Over (One-Shot)

The Fire That Created Cheese (One-Shot)

And more!


3/29/14 - I will be doing three series at a time. Once I get up to Chapter 6 on the Angelic Layer series, I will start another one, and I WILL rotate from each of the three series I am doing.

Eating A Pony

Wait what?

Well, that is all I got for you guys now! I'll add on more when I think of more stuff! Thank you guys for reading! Watch Favorite and Review all of my things!!!!!!!!!