Author has written 14 stories for Star Wars, General Hospital, Angel, and Dark Angel. Hi, everyone! I'm what is refered to as an obsessed fan. My main obsessions are: Angel, Buffy, Dark Angel, General Hospital, Star Wars, and The X-Files. I have many more... e-mail me if you want the long list :)I love to read fanfiction and I've been writting for a while, just to chicken to post anything :), so when you review, please be as nice as possable. I love talking to other obsessed fans about "my shows", and I'd love to hear from you. E-mail me if you want my screen name :) I'm going to try and release fanfictions reguraly, but I get writer's block a lot and I'm always busy, so... I get behind sometimes. E-mail me if you'd like to read incomplete stories, and help me out a bit :) Thanx a lot! *Princess Leia Solo {Now for the long list of quotes} "...You can attack me, you can send assassins after me, that's fine...but NOBODY messes with my boyfriend!" -Buffy "How am I supposed to go on with my life...knowing what we had...what we could have had." -Buffy "You die on me...I'll kick your ass." -Max "Girls kick ass...says so on the t-shirt." -Max "I love you." "I know." -Leia and Han "Do you know...Do you have any idea what you've been through?" "No, but I can see it on your face." -Scully and Mulder (I'll put another one up some other time :) ) "You have my heart. That's a permenate lock." -Lucky and Elizabeth "I have issues" -Me "It's all about me." -Me and my friend, Winter |