Author has written 36 stories for Harry Potter, M*A*S*H, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, That '70s Show, Firefly, Bones, and Supernatural. Hi... I've been eaten by other fandoms, RL, that sort of thing. I'll still post occasionally, but for anyone who wants to read all my fic, I'd go to my LJ where I do post everything. Something New is just not getting updated, Endings might get a sequel, someday, but it won't be soon. Oh, and I added a crap load more ships down there, if anyone's interested in what might turn up eventually.Ships I Ship: Harry/Ginny (HP), Ron/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Remus/Tonks, Snape/Narcissa, Snape/Lucius, Snape/Hermione (sometimes), Bill/Fleur, Sirius/Remus, James/Lily, Lily/Remus, Lily/Sirius, Snape/Sirius, Draco/Harry, Ron/Harry, Spike/Buffy (BtVS/AtS), Willow/Oz, Angel/Cordelia, Cordelia/Xander, Xander/Anya Giles/Jenny, Hawkeye/Margaret (MASH), Hawkeye/Trapper, Clay/Elena (Women of the Otherworld), Lucas/Paige, Eve/Kristof, Aragorn/Arwen (LotR), Frodo/Sam, Sam/Marigold, Mal/Inara (Firefly), Kaylee/Simon, Zoe/Wash Josh/Donna (tWW), CJ/Toby, CJ/Danny, Abbey/Jed, Josh/Sam, Sam/Dean (Supernatural), J2 (RPS... no, I have no freaking clue what's wrong with me. That fandom makes me pervier), Matt/Danny (S60), Danny/Jordan, Derek/Meredith (Grey's), Burke/Cristina, Alex/Izzie That's all I can think of right now, but I'm more a TV fandom person at the moment, and probably will be until I lay my hands on Deathly Hallows. Oh, also, I write lots of slash. Not all of it gets posted here, it's rarely explicit, though, as I'm not so good at the explicit scenes. Anyway, if you don't like the slashy, don't want to hear me misinterpreting millions of lines etc. etc. etc. please, just, shoo. Or read my het and my gen and keep the slash comments out of it. You're unlikely to persuade me merely by saying you don't like it, and I'll probably just ignore the review all together. And make fun of you a little bit to my beta. A reasonable argument, or critiscm for my interpretation of the relationship is always welcome. |