Poll: Should "Acatalepsy" be placed under Avenger fanfiction or Spider-Man fanfiction? Vote Now!
Author has written 2 stories for Spider-Man, and Fablehaven. Hi! About my stories: I tend to edit a lot before I post stuff. I've been working on my Amazing Spider-Man fanfiction, Acatalepsy, for two years. I'm on my... seventh draft? ("Draft" is more like "Version" in this scenario, as each draft is pretty much a fresh start.) Please check it out! Recently, views have gone up, but I'd like to see some more follows, favorites, and reviews! About me, as a writer: My background is in flash-fiction writing (Usually, less than a thousand words; sometimes, less than 750). However, I'm now beginning to undertake longer projects. Many of my writing "quirks" are derived from that genre. My favorite topic to write about is the inability of mankind to comprehend the vicissitudes of life. It is a prominent theme in Acatalepsy (that's actually where I got the title from. I agonized over a title for the story forever-- it went untitled for most of the two years of scrapped drafts. For a while, I called it "This Web of Deception" but I found that it was too generic, especially for a Spider-Man fanfiction. And that's without mentioning the atrocious pun. Acatalepsy is much better, in my opinion, and the story's gained a lot of popularity since I changed it.) |
Jennyb793 (7) | Juniorstarcatcher (45) |