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Poll: Okay, ladies, here we go.. I need a pairing for my original character Ana in my GH fanfiction. I'm torn 3 ways right now, but open to possible other suggestions.. The three men I'm torn between are listed below. VOTE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST? Vote Now!
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Joined Jan 18, 2014, id: 5465174, Profile Updated: Jan 28, 2014
Author has written 3 stories for Twilight, and General Hospital.

Okay so... This girl is crazy. Just saying. She's a fan of Supernatural, Twilight, Harry Potter and several other things, many of which you'll find repped on this here profile. She's also unapologetically outspoken meaning she'll say and write whatever the hell she wants.

Reviews are appreciated if you like a story. Not critcism or flames. But yeah, if you like something, I'd love to hear it. Not so crazy about complaints and flames, criticism though because I'm not really here to make myself better, not really interested in negativity or drama. Just being real, people.


in " Wayward Sons and Wild Women"

Has never met the Winchesters. Her own father was a hunter, and he raised her the same way that Dean and Sam's father raised them. Her mother, however, was killed by a Hellhound when she was 10, due to a deal that her mother Eliza made with a crossroads demon to save her father's life when a hunt nearly killed him. Has met Bobby and actually lived with him for a few months when she was 16, Bobby considered her the same way he considers the Winchester brothers, another one of his 'children', however, she calls him Old Grumpy or Uncle Bob which usually makes him swear at her a little.

Stands about 5'3, has long and bright platinum blonde hair that's naturally more of a dirty blonde brown color, with hazel eyes. She likes to wear lipstick, usually red, and that's about it. She's got a naturally curvy body. Typically, she likes dressing up whenever she has to, but she prefers casual and comfortable clothes 1 and she's never seen without a pair of boots on her feet, they give her a place to stash her knife and a small handgun.

Has two tattoos ( 1, 2 ) and both ears pierced, but nothing else done. Nothing weird for this girl, nope.

Drives a 2013 Saleen 302 Mustang, but until she got this car, she drove a 1970 Plymoth Sport Fury GT that belonged to her father. Only has the Mustang because she got lucky at a police impound auction and she'd just wrecked her Plymouth and was on a case with no real time to fix her car. So she had the Plymouth towed to her parent's old house in Texas, where she uses as a 'base' for her time between hunts.

Sometimes, if she likes a town, she won't just move on after a hunt.. The town she meets Dean in is the town she's been in the longest, and she's even considered giving up the life of hunting. She's working as a bartender at a dive bar and she waitresses during the day.

Listens to the same music as Dean basically, but occasionally, she'll throw in old country music too. She's gotta be in a drinking mood or something first. Favorite tv shows are TNA and Bellatore MMA, she also likes Gator Boys and a few other shows.


Most likely, it'll be Dean Winchester.

How They Met:

Well, see, trouble tends to follow Greenlea.. And one night, while out at a bar, on a hunt (coincidently the same hunt that the brothers Winchester happen to be on) her path crosses Dean's. They are so much alike that it's not funny. There's chemistry there, hidden below the smart ass remarks, (because she totally thinks she has 'his number' and enjoys rubbing it in his face to be quite honest.) and hilarity does yet does not ensue.

Basically, what happens later, is him saving her ass from becoming a shifter's meal. She's in town but she's actually not on a case,and there's a shifter. She tried to use herself as bait, and basically, yeah.. You can see how this would not fare so well for her, yes?

After this, hilarity definitely does NOT ensue. But a whole lot of other assorted fuckery does. ;p I'll let you figure it out when I post the story.. Basically, this is a fluff fest for my baby Dean because he fucking legit deserves it after the life he's had. I'm actually not sure what season I'm gonna base this sucker in, because I do know the earlier ones (with Bobby Singer and John, their father) seemed to be the less angsty ones for the most part. And I wanna write my little baby a fluffy love fic, okay?

And he's sexy and I don't actually ship Destiel.. I know right, -le gasp- I'm a weird fucking fangirl. But I don't. I don't actually ship my favorite male characters with anyone, really. But I do spend waaaay too much time trying to self insert myself via original character into the fictional worlds from which they hail.


in "A Good Girl And A Prankster" (OC 1 of the American Girl Diaries)

is a Ravenclaw who develops the biggest crush on Fred Weasley during her time at Hogwarts. She too hails from the same American magic/special abilities school that Emmaleigh came from, and this is sort of her story, her time at Hogwarts. She comes from a middle class pureblood family who lived in Atlanta Georgia until they moved to the cottage.

Stands about 5'4 and is curvy figured with long blackish brown hair and bluish green eyes. She has a pale complexion and full lips. She's a pretty average looking girl, nothing particularly stands out about her. As far as makeup goes, she's more into the natural look than anything, she's too busy to really consider doing anything with her appearance. As far as style goes, she prefers this look when dressing up and on a typical average day, she usually wears stuff like this to work in or just hang out around home..

Veronica lives in a small cottage that's actually not far from the Burrows and it looks like this on the outside.. On the inside, there is a living room/dining area, kitchen, 1 and a half baths and 3 bedrooms ( Veronica's room ). There's a garden behind the house, and a little pool area.

Romantic Pairing is Fred Weasley who will obviously not die in my story. Just in serious denial about his death, to be honest. And there are so many stories up about what could've been for him, I wanted to and was inspired by them to write my own sort of little alternate universe. And again, insert myself with the insane cuddly sexiness that is Fred Weasley.

How they meet:

Fred Weasley and Veronica Clarke are complete and total opposites. She's quiet and shy, he's bold and daring. She's more into studying and achieving things academically, he's more into goofing off and pranking. But she develops a quiet crush on the older Gryffindor and things come to a head when her personal diary is found by some Slytherin girls, also exchanges, all of whom hate Veronica and the other 3 girls for some reason. The diary sort of opens the door for things to happen, and the rest is one huge comedic love story complete with awkward moments and tons of fluff.



is a 16 year old girl who attends Forks High and grew up in Forks Washington, raised by her mother,Jenna who's not a nice girl. She's a heavy drinker and she's constantly in trouble with the police and out of work. She's pretty much raised herself, her father left when she was 2, having no interest in being a family or being a father, and hasn't been seen since.

She's picked on a lot at school, her clothes and being poor, being a little on the 'weird' side, the fact that she gets into a lot of trouble herself. None of this really bothers her however. She pretty much does what she wants, when she wants to do it, she really doesn't have a lot of rules and restraints, and thus, as a result, she has a bit of an attitude, she's feisty and she doesn't take anyone's crap. She's also competitive, athletic, loyal, a closet romantic, and sarcastic. She actually does have that 'older than her years' adult thing going on.

Stands about 5'1, is average body type with long dark brown hair, sideswept bangs and wide bright brown eyes. She has a thing for wearing her makeup like this and she normally dresses like this or like this .

She's got 3 ear piercings on each ear and wears henna ink temporary tattoos, usually on her wrists, usually in the shape of a phoenix with the word fighter underneath, she does her own henna.

Listens to classic rock and heavy metal, loves horror movies and paranormal themed television shows, most any form of televised violence and (shh, it's a secret) old 80's teen movies like Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles and the Breakfast Club.

She's in the drama club at Forks High, and she also writes for the school newspaper and she's on the gymnastics team.

Her room at home looks like this and she drives her mothers car around most of the time, DD'ing him when he's too drunk to drive. When she's not driving it, she's skateboarding or hitching rides. Nothing actually scares her that much.

Imprint Of

Embry Call

How She Meets Embry & the Other Characters in the Series:

Bella's got no friends when Edward leaves, right? Well, not only is she in a depression, her grades start to slip, her attitude starts to change, and she as a result, winds up in detention where she meets Bianca. The pair of girls wind up becoming friends, sort of (it's a weird friendship, they throw insults and barbs at one another left and right, seeing as how they're both a bit snarky, and they frequently say they 'hate' each other, but when the chips are down, they have each other's backs) and when Bella starts to hang around La Push more, she takes Bianca with her, because by now, Jacob's shifted and started to push her away and she's trying like hell to keep from losing him. He knows what's about to happen to him and he's trying NOT to join up with the pack..

Well, while she's there, she has a run in with the pack (pre jacob's giving in and joining them) and she and Embry have words. During the argument, Embry imprints on her and it goes from there.. It's mostly gonna be Embry centric, as everyone's already written a thousand better ones where Jacob imprints on the OC and damn it, I'm team Embry.


in " Playing With Fire" (OC 2 of The American Girl Diaries)

- transfers to Hogwarts during the 6th year when her own American magic/special abilities school shuts it's doors due to public scrutiny from the general (Muggle) public. She's psychokinetic and her abilities include :the creation of thoughtforms or tulpas, she can also influence the outcomes of some events, but not in any major way. What the two things mean are that if she chose to (most of the time she actually does not in fact use her abilities, because they are part of her biggest insecurity) she could really fuck with someone's head.

- Is in Gryffindor house.

- she's of Irish descent. However, instead of being one of the 'fair' Irish, pale skin and hair, eyes, she has dark hair, eyes and she's a golden skin tone. She too is half and half, her father's a wizard, her mother's a Muggle. Her father buys and at the beginning of the story, when she's had to move to Hogwarts because of her own magic/special abilities school closing,owns a tavern in County Kildaire Ireland. Her mother died in child birth, so it's always been just her father and herself. He was in the military for a while after graduating himself from Hogwarts, and he was a fighter pilot. He was in Auror training for a very short period of time, but stopped when he met Emmaleigh's mother. Emmaleigh was born and raised in Ireland, however, she attended the American school because at that time, her father was working in America. She did recieve her Hogwarts owl, she just never actually thought she'd go there.

- stands about 4'11 and is kind of on the curvy/chubby side.. She's not anything spectacular to look at, and she happens to love flaunting her curves and legs. She's not the least bit ashamed of her body, actually. She prefers dramatic makeup, smoky eyes, red lipstick.. Oh and she loves to dress like this.. casually and like this when it's a little less than casual and she's always either wearing ballet flats or heels.

- she and her father live in a house in the country, it's about 5 miles from the pub he owns in town. It has all the muggle conviences (because she's used to them, having to go to school in America where there is a basic blending of Muggle and wizarding worlds) and her room looks like this

- like Irish drinking songs, dancing, drinking, truth or dare games, muggle romance novels and soap operas, the colors pink and purple, dressing up, swing dancing, drawing.. Anything that might make her laugh for more than 5 seconds and could get her into trouble. Has a pet fox named Houdini.


Seamus Finnigan.


She's paired with him during a Potions lesson. He blows up the cauldron and it's contents cover them both. They argue and she gets a little too mad, causes the lights to flicker. He sort of develops this crush on her, but with her, she's more or less wary of him, because of his "penchant for setting things on fire" and overall clumsiness. She's just got herself convinced that her Prince Charming cannot be this sloppily dressed somewhat annoying and quick tempered cocky guy.. Then, of course, something happens and he's basically the guy who 'protects' her. And she develops a crush on him.. Only problem with this is that Lavendar also has her eyes on him.

Seamus is trying to get over his crush on Emmaleigh, but then Emmaleigh starts to return his feelings.. And it's all a big bundle of chaos from there..


in " We're Like Night And Day" (OC 3 of the American Girl Diaries)

Is the 3rd American transfer student... Is also best friends with Emmaleigh and Veronica and Lola, Veronica's twin. She's a bit of a troublemaker, she's wild, she pretty much does what she wants. When she's not in Hogwarts, she lives with her father, who's a bit of a bum, an alcoholic who's a biker and constantly trouble with Muggle authorities. Her mothers whereabouts are unknown. Like Emmaleigh, she has special abilities, hers however are more along the lines of extrasensory perception more to the point, her specific specialty is actually clairovoyance, but the drawback of course, is that she can only see 5 minutes into the immediate future and if she tries too hard, it can make her physically ill and tired, weak.

- Is also in Gryffindor

- She hails from New Orleans and she's a half blood witch. Her father moves them around a lot, he fancies himself a bit of a nomad (he's actually a con man and career criminal, he has the same ability as she, he uses his for monetary gain, she doesn't) so she doesn't have one permanent home. When they move to the UK, for her to attend Hogwarts, he actually opens his own bike shop, and they do sort of settle down, but only slightly.

- stands about 5'0 tall, is only slightly curvy. She's not stick figure thin, but she's not thicky thick either. She has dishwater blonde hair, full heart shaped lips and bright brownish green (hazel) eyes. She typically dresses like this or like this and if she's forced to attend and endure a formal, she'll let her two best friends completely take over her wardrobe as she's more of a tomboy sort.

- likes American Muggle grunge rock (ie Nirvana was big at the time), candy, baseball, being outdoors, going barefoot, doing things she's clearly not supposed to do, fighting, firewhiskey, Quidditch, outsmarting people, the color red, her father's motorcycle

-cannot focus if it's too quiet. She's used to chaos and arguments, violence and yelling. She's never had a normal life, she's never had a normal loving relationship with anyone (her father and she are more like two best buddies than a father and daughter, and with both having a quick temper, they fight often and loudly, angrily) so she's not the cuddly kissy face type. But she is a romantic, she just shows this in more subtle ways.




He loses his toad on the train the first time they meet and then for the second time, she's trying to pick a locked door to get inside and see what's on the other side. He tells her it's not a good idea and she laughs him off. But then she winds up in a fist fight with Goyle, and Neville manages to step in, pull the two apart. From there a friendship builds and neither acts on budding romantic feelings until they just sort of burst out one day, during an intense argument between the pair, she's again doing something 'bad' and he's trying to keep her from getting into serious trouble.

They wind up locked in the closet in Snape's Potions class.


is a Hufflepuff who develops the biggest crush on George Weasley during her time at Hogwarts. She too hails from the same American magic/special abilities school that Emmaleigh and Gracelynn came from, and this is sort of her story, her time at Hogwarts. She comes from a middle class pureblood family who lived in Atlanta Georgia until they moved to the cottage.

Stands about 5'4 and is curvy figured with long blackish brown hair and bluish green eyes. She has a pale complexion and full lips. She's a pretty average looking girl, nothing particularly stands out about her. As far as makeup goes, she's more into the subtle and sexy look than anything, she's too busy to really consider doing anything with her appearance. As far as style goes, she prefers this look when dressing up and on a typical average day, she usually wears stuff like this to work in or just hang out around home..

Lola lives in a small cottage that's actually not far from the Burrows and it looks like this on the outside.. On the inside, there is a living room/dining area, kitchen, 1 and a half baths and 3 bedrooms ( Lolas room ). There's a garden behind the house, and a little pool area.

Romantic Pairing is George Weasley

How They Meet:

haven't figured it out yet.. but it'll be funny as hell.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Ana's Story reviews
{a little more than slightly au, oc x ? pairing} Ana Corinthos is the second oldest child of Sonny Corinthos. Since the age of 4, she's lived her entire life with her father as the one 'love' in her life. Now that she's back from California, will she find the OTHER love in her life? And who will it be? The former boyfriend, Diego? Rival mobster Johnny? Or another man? VOTE NOW
General Hospital - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 18,572 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 14 - Updated: Jun 4, 2014 - Published: May 8, 2014 - OC
Coincidentally In Love reviews
{au, michael x oc, see notes} Lana and Michael never actually met face to face. They attended the same school, they had a few of the same friends and both sort of liked the other. But before Michael went to prison, Lana came onto his radar. Now that he's out and he's been out, and he's going through a break up with Kiki Jerome and they're thrown together, what will happen for them?
General Hospital - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 10,209 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 10 - Updated: May 29, 2014 - Published: May 12, 2014 - [Michael C. III, OC]
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Mary, Mary, quite contrary We're so bored until we're buried Just like dust, we settle in this town On this broken merry-go-'round .. Bianca Russo and Bella Swan are the last two girls you'd expect to find befriending each other. But somehow, that's what winds up happening. And as a result, Bianca finds her life getting a little crazier when shy shifter Embry Call enters it.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 16,581 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 23 - Updated: Jan 28, 2014 - Published: Jan 21, 2014 - [Embry, OC]