Author has written 7 stories for Doctor Who.
Hello. I mostly write stories about Doctor Who. My favorite television shows are: Doctor Who, American Dad!, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Roseanne, 3rd Rock from the Sun, The Simpsons, Family Guy and Batman: The Animated Series. My favorite movies are: Spy, Inside Out, Scream, Scream 3 and Scream 4, The Heat, The Matrix, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Matrix Reloaded, Identity Thief, 22 Jump Street and 21 Jump Street. Like almost every Doctor Who fan has done, here's my list of ranking the Doctors:
Doctor Ranking (Besides Second and Eighth):
- Ninth Doctor (Christopher E.)
- Twelfth Doctor (Peter C.)
- Seventh Doctor (Sylvester M.)
- Tenth Doctor (David T.)
- Third Doctor (Jon P.)
- Sixth Doctor (Colin B.)
- War Doctor (John H.)
- Fourth Doctor (Tom B.)
- First Doctor (William H.)
- Eleventh Doctor (Matt S.)
Top Forty New Who Episodes:
- The Parting of the Ways (Ninth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Planet of the Ood (Tenth Doctor: Keith Temple)
- Bad Wolf (Ninth Doctor: Russell T. Davies)
- Voyage of the Damned (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Father's Day (Ninth Doctor: Paul Cornell)
- Midnight (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Journey's End (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- The Stolen Earth (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Gridlock (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Turn Left (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Partners in Crime (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Mummy on the Orient Express (Twelfth Doctor: Jamie Mathieson)
- The Runaway Bride (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- World War Three (Ninth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Aliens of London (Ninth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Dalek (Ninth Doctor: Robert Shearman)
- New Earth (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Robot of Sherwood (Twelfth Doctor: Mark Gatiss)
- The Waters of Mars (Tenth Doctor: Phil Ford and Russell T Davies)
- Sleep No More (Twelfth Doctor: Mark Gatiss)
- The Fires of Pompeii (Tenth Doctor: James Moran)
- Time Heist (Twelfth Doctor: Steve Thompson and Steven Moffat)
- The End of the World (Ninth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Fear Her (Tenth Doctor: Matthew Graham)
- Rose (Ninth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- The Rings of Akhaten (Eleventh Doctor: Neil Cross)
- The Doctor's Wife (Eleventh Doctor: Neil Gaiman)
- Doomsday (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- The Idiot's Lantern (Tenth Doctor: Mark Gatiss)
- Smith and Jones (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- Army of Ghosts (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Daives)
- Dark Water (Twelfth Doctor: Steven Moffat)
- The Angels Take Manhattan (Eleventh Doctor: Steven Moffat)
- Forest of the Dead (Tenth Doctor: Steven Moffat)
- Silence in the Library (Tenth Doctor: Steven Moffat)
- The Day of the Doctor (Eleventh/Tenth/War Doctors: Steven Moffat)
- Flatline (Twelfth Doctor: Jamie Mathieson)
- Death in Heaven (Twelfth Doctor: Steven Moffat)
- 42 (Tenth Doctor: Chris Chibnall)
- Vincent and the Doctor (Eleventh Doctor: Richard Curtis)
Great Classic Who Episodes:
- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (Seventh Doctor: Stephen Wyatt)
- The Robots of Death (Fourth Doctor: Chris Boucher)
- Paradise Towers (Seventh Doctor: Stephen Wyatt)
- Remembrance of the Daleks (Seventh Doctor: Ben Aaronovitch)
- Dragonfire (Seventh Doctor: Ian Briggs)
- The Happiness Patrol (Seventh Doctor: Graeme Curry)
- Survival (Seventh Doctor: Rona Munro)
- Robot (Fourth Doctor: Terrance Dicks)
- The Seeds of Doom (Fourth Doctor: Robert Banks Stewart)
- Invasion of the Dinosaurs (Third Doctor: Malcolm Hulke)
- Spearhead from Space (Third Doctor: Robert Holmes)
I haven't seen much of Classic Who, but these are really good! Planning to watch more!
Top Ten Worst Episodes of NuWho:
- The Girl Who Died (Twelfth Doctor: Jamie Mathieson & Steven Moffat)
- The Rebel Flesh (Eleventh Doctor: Matthew Graham)
- Listen (Twelfth Doctor: Steven Moffat)
- The Almost People (Eleventh Doctor: Matthew Graham)
- Love & Monsters (Tenth Doctor: Russell T Davies)
- The Wedding of River Song (Eleventh Doctor: Steven Moffat)
- Evolution of the Daleks (Tenth Doctor: Helen Raynor)
- Cold Blood (Eleventh Doctor: Chris Chibnall)
- The Lazarus Experiment (Tenth Doctor: Stephen Greenhorn)
- The Hungry Earth (Eleventh Doctor: Chris Chibnall)
Top Ten NuWho Top Villains/Monsters/Aliens:
- The Ood
- The Wire
- The Slitheen (Raxacoricofallapatorians)
- The Rachnoss
- The Cybermen
- The Master
- The Daleks
- The Autons
- The Sontarans
- The Flood
NuWho Seasons Ranked Best to Worst:
- Series One & Series Four
- Series Eight
- Series Three
- Series Two
- Series Nine
- Series Five
- Series Seven
- Series Six
Top Ten Companions (Single and Multi-Adventure):
- Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)
- Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman)
- Wilfred Mott (Bernard Cribbins)
- Ace (Sophie Aldred)
- Astrid Peth (Kylie Minogue)
- Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)
- Amy Pond (Karen Gillan)
- Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen)
- Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill)
- Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant)