Author has written 21 stories for Monsters Inc., Regular Show, Invader Zim, and Super Robot Monkey Team.
Just your regular romance fanfiction writer with an interest in many different fandoms.
Long Stories:
(Monster's Inc) Randall x Sulley - Inviestigation Ward (6 Chapters) - COMPLETE!
(Monster's University) Terry x Terri - Back to the Basics (5 chapters) - COMPLETE!
(Monster's University) Terry x Terri - Behind Closed Doors (1 chapter)
(Regular Show) Mordecai x Rigby - Hot Coffee (7 chapters) - COMPLETE!
(Invader Zim) Red x Zim - Romance is a Battlefield (2 chapters)
(Invader Zim) Red x Zim - No One Will Know (1 chapter)
(Invader Zim) Zim x Dib - Adaptations (7 chapters) - COMPLETE!
(Invader Zim) Zim x Dib? - Good Fortune (9 chapters)
Short Stories:
(Monsters University) Terry-Terri - Movie Night (1 chapter) - COMPLETE!
(Invader Zim) Tenn x Tak - Rejection (1 chapter) - COMPLETE!
(Invader Zim) Skoodge x Grapa - Revenge Isn't Very Sweet (1 chapter) - COMPLETE!
(Invader Zim) Zim x Skoodge - Take Another Look (1 chapter) - COMPLETE!
(Invader Zim) Dib x Skoodge - Take My Side (1 chapter) - COMPLETE!
Future Ideas:
(Banjo-Kazooie) Banjo x Kazooie - Changes in Our Adventure
(Monster's University) Mike x Terry/Terri - Laugh Tutor
(Invader Zim) Lard Nar x Spleenk - Tainted
Got any requests for stories?
If you would like to suggest a couple from any fandom (preferably fandoms that I have already written for), then feel free to send me a PM! Crack shippings are actually fine with me (they provide an interesting challenge to my writing) to a certain extent.
I most likely will reject the suggestion if I'm not familiar with the fandom. So for now, any fandom and any couple listed above is definitely free game