![]() Author has written 11 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Fairy Tail, and Final Fantasy VII. Hello. I'm Pinkeminamae. I'm a member of many fandoms, including but not limited to 1. Doctor Who 2. My Little Pony 3. Full metal Alchemist (both versions) and most Zelda and Final Fantasy games plus Detective Conan and Magic Kaito. I am a college student and mother of two boys at the age of 25. I went to college after high school but only made it a year. My husband is no longer able to provide for the family, so I am going to school to learn accounting. Boring, right? Well, I love numbers and facts and I am very much aware of reality. Which is why I am such a fangirl. I live in the real world, but that doesn't mean I don't love to escape to a fantasy land where anything is possible. I am not very creative, but I have discovered that I have an ability to write. I plan on writing a book about my life, but more of a fiction setting with the major plot evens coming from my personal experiences. I would love to list them, but as I would like to keep the story to myself until the work is complete. I would like to mention one thing that I am very proud. I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed this year and had my surgery a few months ago, and while I've had my share of downs, I am confident that cancer is weak and will never get the better of me. I hope you all enjoy what I write. I am trying to get some good practice in for when I compose my bigger work. I have a plan for my stories, but I do make some of it as I go. I also have alot of time on my hands, so I will try to update as much as possible. Enjoy. Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. I am excited to say i finally have an idea for a Royai! I was throwing around several ideas of a story I could use for them, but every time i tried to write them together I found myself not liking who I was making them out to me. I am a huge cannon-head and I want to stay true to them. I believe that they take I want to make on them is going to be a little out of the ordinary from what I have been reading with Royais, but I believe this is how their relationship truly is. I would love to give more details but I don't want to give away too much, so be looking for another story (to be titled later) to make its way on my page. As for anyone waiting on another Inner Beast chapter, I haven't forgotten. When I developed the story I had everything up to this point decided and that is why so much when up in only two days. I know the direction the story is going to make, but I want to make sure that what i write is how i want the story progress. I also am making an alternate story page where I will displaying the M rated scenes with an easier (less awkward) scene for anyone that wants to read the story but doesn't enjoy the more mature content. I intend the story to be more adult, but i know that all ages enjoy Zelda (i personally got introduced into the game at the age of 10 with the release of OOT) so I want to provide an opportunity for anyone to enjoy the story. Wow, lots of exciting projects going on huh? I can't wait to see how they turn out. Peace. A Very Long List of Ridiculous Facts and Pointless Crap (Just to keep you company during the long trip to the bottom of the page... and maybe you'll learn something about myself too!) If you have ever tripped over your own feet... If you talk back to the television... If you have ever fallen up a set of stairs... If you hate those obnoxious snobby people... If you have ever done something without even realizing it until you've done it... If you have ever asked a really stupid and obvious question... If you don't do drugs... If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say right before you say it... If you have ever slapped yourself or banged your head on the table... If you have ever walked into a room then forgot what you were doing only to start walking away and remember... If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both... If you are a part of the 99.9% of English speakers who do know the difference between "brunet" and "brunette", or when and when not to spell the word "blond" with an "e"... If you have ever tried to lick your elbow knowing it was physically impossible... If you are one of those people who get excited when you see just two reviews... If you have ever attempted alchemy by clapping your hands or drawing an array... If you are among the people of the world you HATE math, suck at it and think anyone who likes it is weird... If you don't get why people can't accept a platonic relationship between a boy and a girl... If you are one of the proud teens or adults who have a v-o-c-a-b-u-l-a-r-y and do not limit themselves to acronyms and the word "like"... If you think that that it's not fair that guys in manga and anime are almost always better than ones in the real world... If you have a lot of fanfic ideas in your head but are unable to bring yourself to write them... If you think that stories that make fun of stereotypical fanfic ideas are funny... If you actually take the time to read other peoples profiles... If you have ever read past two in the morning... If you have ever laughed so hard that you couldn't breathe and ended up silently laughing and crying... If you have ever read a 250 page book in less than one day... If you believe that over half of all you say/write/think doesn't come out right and is complete stupidity... If you have ever been so wrapped up in thinking about anime/fanart/fanfictions that you zone out and join reality again 5 minutes later... If you've ever had a crush on an anime character... If you are obsessive with all of your anime stuff in the "touch and die" sort of way... If you have added the names of characters of any anime/game/etc. to your word dictionary because the red squiggly line annoys the heck out of you... If you know that you are not perfect because nobody is... If you have ever pulled a door that said push... If you absolutely LOVE sleeping... If you get inspired to write at random moments through the day... |