Author has written 11 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Bitten, and Yuri!!! on Ice. "Hi. I don't really know what to say... I'm a high school student, athlete, artist, writer. I like singing really loudly in the shower, and running on grass. I live a different life on here because I can. You don't know my name, my life, and I like it that way. It's like I have a secret identity. I never thought I was any good- still don't. I never thought I would become a FanFiction writer. I used to read it in secret, clearing my browser history because I was scared someone would find out I was a 'nerd'. I never talked about it even to my closest friends. I started reading more and more. I loved seeing other peoples perceptive and imagination, having that kind of artistic freedom at your finger tips is something so powerful. Eventually though, it became clear my own imagination wouldn't be content with just hoping to find the right story. I had to go out and make one for myself. I wrote. A lot. But them I did something unimaginable, if I didn't think it was good, or I felt stupid for writing it I would delete it. My own stories, Fan Fictions, everything. I lost so much of myself that way. Then one day I had something I didn't know what to do with. It was finally proud of something. I wanted to share it with someone, but who? It's still a secret. I cant shout it off the roof tops. So I published it here. It got a couple hundred views the first night and a few comments and I was hooked. It wasn't a secret anymore. That rush when you press the publish button, or you get a new comment, its addicting. I hope you never have to feel bad about being creative. Love your work. Love it. I'd love to hear from you, I will be that person happy for you and your fanfiction. until next time, I can never tell" 5/14/2018: Time really does fly. It's been three years since I published my first ever fanfiction (Just typing that still makes me cringe). I looked back on that story, the one that made me proud enough to first publish, and its awful. It's absolute garbage in comparison to what I've done recently, but then again I guess that's the point isn't it? I grew up. In fact in less than 15 days I'll be graduating. Wow. It looks like it's finally time to be a grown up. I wrote fanfiction as an outlet because I had nothing of my own. That's not so true anymore. It's almost time for me to focus on publishing something original. I know- scary. But there was a time when this was scary too. I'll check back in in a few years because baby, this story is gonna fly. This sounds kind of like a goodbye right? In a way it kind of is. What did you think I'd be on here forever? It's time for me to grow up a little bit more. You'll still see me now and again (I'd love to ghost write by the way- let's make something great together) but I'll be moving on this fall. I'm going to school. I've loved every second of this journey and of course it makes me sad to see it go. Let's make this summer something amazing. One last summer. As always and forever, I can Never Tell. |