Author has written 6 stories for Class of the Titans. A twentymumblemumble year old Chicagoan who writes so she can clear her mind and actually focus on schoolwork (yeah right; video games ftw). If you couldn't tell by my username, I like yarn. I knit. I crochet. If it exists in a craft store I enjoy it. I've gotten compliments on the pictures I use for my story covers. They're all yarn! Glorious, glorious yarn. Yarn is beautiful, an art, wouldn't you agree? It should be noted that all my stories, unless otherwise stated, stand alone ("one-shots", if you will). My brain can't be trusted to keep details made in previous stories in line when it has an idea that MUST. BE. WRITTEN. NAO. Especially when it comes to characters' pasts and limited timelines. Also, I prefer to publish my stories as 'complete'. So once it's up, it's done -- enjoy. I find nothing more flail-inducing than reading through an awesome fic only to be left hanging because it isn't finished yet. I'm impatient like that. Waiting for the next book when Harry Potter was still being released? Worst years of my life, man. So congratulations! Here's one less author that will make you flail :) My Favorites (though most of them I lurk through and may never write for): Class of the Titans, Harry Potter, Code Lyoko, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Criminal Minds (why yes, that is Spencer in my pic up there!), Eureka Seven, Doctor Who, & Sherlock. |