Author has written 5 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Harry Potter, and Final Fantasy X. Welcome to the Blah CenterUpdated: 02/01/03 (Final Update) Quick Profile: I am university student. I'm also a writer who enjoys writing fan fiction in her spare time, hence all those stories down there at the bottom of the page. Once upon a time I was also an actress and the most disgruntled retail worker in history. Fic Status See my Livejournal (http://) for future fic updates and status information. But where have all the stories gone?: Due to the policy changes which happened here at back in Sept/Oct, none of my stories were updated further at this site following the active date of those policies and now that I have my own site up and running, all of my stories have been pulled. You can now find them at the following locations: All Stories: Harry Potter WiPs: Harry Potter Smutlets: Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, and Harry Potter WiP: Thanks. :) "Love is not the dying moan of a distant violin; it's the triumphant twang of a bedspring."--S.J. Perelman |