Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Hunger Games. Hey there! I'm a friend, I'm a sibling, I'm a teaching assistant, I'm a fan-girl, I'm an adult (scarily enough), I'm a Potter-head, but most importantly, I'm a writer :) Whilst I try out different ideas for my own book through trial and error, I realised sometimes it is nice to sit back, relax and write about a subject you love. The purpose of my work is not to show off my very best skills, but to have fun writing about stuff I love reading. Another reason why I decided to share my work was because I was hoping that if you read it, you could give me feedback. I would really appreciate comments, thoughts, feelings and criticism, as it is the only way I can develop as a writer. I love your reviews!!!! They make my day!!! If you would like any comments on your work, PM me. Again, this is a bit of fun I thought I would give a go. I hope you enjoy reading my work as much as I do yours. The only purpose I want to achieve as an author is to make people happy! I also write a blog, so if you like my writing check out my site here - And if you want to follow my Facebook page, like here! - Sometimes a book is the only place you can go to get away from life. Thanks for reading, TheOnlyQuirk. |
Colubrina (64) | Hesaluti (12) | Philyra912 (12) |