Author has written 18 stories for Harry Potter, Star Trek: New Frontier, Vampire Princess Miyu, Gundam Wing/AC, Misc. Cartoons, and Lord of the Rings. I will no longer be updating my fanfiction library. If something is left unfinished it will remain unfinished. If you are a fanfiction writer and would be interested in taking the story into your own hands, feel free to email me.The reasons for my disappearing from the fanfiction world involve being in college now and also that I am working much more on my original fiction. I tried a few times to come back to fanfiction, but... it just isn't working out now! So! I would remove my page, except I do appreciate comments and feel I can still learn from what others say if someone happens to stumble across this page. If you would like to see my original fanfiction, you are more than welcome to come visit my Elfwood Library here [ http:///libr/a/v/avern/ ]. Constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated! Other links: ~Kira |