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Joined 11-26-03, id: 493665
Author has written 3 stories for Disney.
Hiya! I'm just your average Russian, blood-sucking, Sauron-worshiping, paranormal freak. Whazzup?

Here are my stats of existance soo far!

Name(s): Catwiz, Darry, Zira

Appearance: I am a blue-purple Russian Blue style anthro cat, with my usual half-bun sideways pony tail. My eyes arre indigo, so is my hair. I wear an Ithican style robe with an eye of Sauron brooch.

Grade: 7th. god...

Stuff you don't know and probably don't want to know butI'll tell you anyway:

-Large's real name is Barselone Martylonavich D’Buckingham Muur Morgoth Kondratov!

-The reason my nickname is Catwiz is that when I made my email address I was 10 and did not know how to spell 'Felinix Sorceress'

-I can lick my elbow and ma mom wants to get me into the world records!

-I do not know qwerty at all but can type 35 words per minute, last time I checked.

-My real name means 'Torch of Rome' in Latin. It's Lenna Romonia.

Movie heros: Sarabi, yes, I do like her! Wolf! WOLFWOLFWOLF! *hugs*

Book Heros: Pippin, Hagrid, umm... Porthos... Oh, and Foaly from Artemis Fowl

Movie Villians: FROLLO FOREVER! Nuka, yeah he's cool. The Huntsman is cool too. *Satres into space* All the Nazgul, and Shenzi. I'll be her someday.

Book Villains: Snape! Witchking! Richelieu! The Mouth of Sauron! I even like Rochforte somehow...

Book: Three Musketeers Trilogy, Myth Directions, LotR

Movie: LotR, Animated LotR, Lion King, Tenth Kingdom

Color: Purple. Dark DARK purple!

Song: All TLK songs, This Bird Has Flown, Help!

Band: The Beatles

Number: 8

TV Show:Invader Zim

Site: Neopets (lady_darigan), THIS site, Fanart Central

Animal: Cat (i have 3! Moosca, Vaska, and Barsik the LARGE!), Horse, Panther

...And I Hate, Hate, Hate: Pop, Orlando Bloom (Ok, I don't hate him, just his image), The US President right now, Orlando fangirls, cheerleaders, NUTS, and almost anything popular.


I sorta have been neglecting ATFAH. It will live again, someday, right now I'm working on FFFS and HOND

NEW! Quotes: (GAWD I sound like a catalogue now...)

"We get to be in a movie?? Oh fun! Should we do a movie, a sitcom, or a Mastercard commercial??" --Uru, ATFAH

"Fiiinneee, be that way!" --The BIG Squishy Ant

"What about the sniffin'? I thought the sniffin' was important..." --Pippin, The Fellowship of the Ring (Book)


"Nazgul! Fellbeast! Warg! Nazgul! Fellbeast! Warg!"--Fluffy the Demon Elf

"Proofffiiiccccceennncccccyyyy..." --ME!

"Hi Nirvana Hi Nirvana Hi Nirvana Hi - OOOOOH! CHOCOLATE!" -Me again

"I'm gonna DIE of small shoes!!!" -Moose, in terror of her new track shoes.

"Why don't you give birth to something useful? Like a Gerbil, or a Lawnmower??" --Aragorn (to Arwen), ATFAH

"Maaann, I hate dangling!" --Bonzi, TLK

Puppet Quotes:

"Frollo refuses to leave my pocket. He says it's warm in there." --Me

"That's not a sock, that's Frollo!" --Mom

"It's bad to leave them in a locker." --Moose, about Clopin and Frollo

Catwiz: Some people want to SLEEP with Clopin
Moose: So?
Catwiz: The REAL Clopin!
Moose: Me too!
Catwiz: NAKED!
Moose: Yeah, so?
Catwiz: *disgusted sigh*

Moose: Now Frollo sees! In color!
Catwiz: Actually, I think he sees in black and white.
Moose: Hence his interior decorating.

"Of course he's mad at you, you ran him over with a bike!" --Moose, about Frollo.

"Clopin/Frollo makes me happy. which makes me sick. Which makes me happy." --Me. It does.

"The grapes would be gray too." --Moose, about Claudeland.

Catwiz: And anyone over 30lbs would be burned at the stake!
Moose: Wouldn't they just cut off the fat and feed the hungry cats?
Catwiz: Oh, you know Frollo, he loves to exaggerate. --Claudeland, again.

"Puppet called me stupid. That made it all better." --Moose.

Science Project Quotes:

"I think it's dead, Catwiz. It isn't moving." --Ant, about Frollo the snail.

"Well, Clopin got all hyper today, and started trying to eat Frollo... then he - she -he- it started ramming into walls and stuff." --Me, about Clopin the guppy

"Um, I think Clopin laid eggs." --Me, two days later

"FROLLO GAVE BIRTH!!!!!!!!" --Me, and so he did, to hundreds of snails.


Catwiz: I think he'd run out of numbers and start calling them, like, Frollo the Button ... or Frollo the Seasame Biscuit.
Both: *laugh like retards for a bit*
Moose: Frollo the Croissant. --Same day as last quote.

Catwiz: (picks up a lighter) 'Pretend this is a book.'

(picks up a toy rat and wraps around torso) 'Pretend it's a corset.' --this stuff is my trademark!!!

"My horse tries to ride me." --Fuffy the Demon Elf

"Do me a favor and don't do anything stupid." --Jack, PotC

"Dead, Evil bunnies from hell." --Nirvana Friend

"Your head is FILLED with intricate bounciness!" --Me, to a random passsing kid

'ForkForkForkFORK!!' --Nirvana Friend

"I have to be tortured by homework, wanna come with me?" --The BIG Squishy Ant.

"This is the lucky Precious! We strokes it, and Precious helps! Yes! We are Millionareses now!" --Gollum, ATFAH

"No! I hate nouns! curse their little syllables!!" --Me

"GIMME THAT! He's MINE! I NEED him! He's my prrreeecioussssss! PRRREEECCCIIOOOUUUSSSSSS!" --Me, fighting Fluffy for a Witchking pic. (We were discusssing which of us will have to kiss Grima Wormtongue 'cause we were both drunk on air.)

"I UnDeRsTaNd..." --Gir, Invader Zim

"Oh, SUCK AN ELF! SUCK AN ELF TROOP!" Burly the Troll, The Tenth Kingdom.

"His name is Todt. That SOUNDS a bit like Clop." -Me, about the boys track coach. Don't even ask.

"Pride, and despair, PRIDE, and despair..." --Denethor (I just love the way he SAYS that!)

"...Yes, and MUFFINS!" --Zim, Invader Zim

"I thought you cut that already" --Me, don't ask.

"One is a idiot, two is a freak. What do you want?" --Ant

"Nazgulnazgulnargul MUSHroom MUSHroom." --Moose

"You are on a trolly, a relaxing trolly. But it doesn't have a bell, because that would not be relaxing..." --Magatu, Zoolander

"DER-ICK Zoo-LAn-DER!!!" --Announcer, Zoolander

"Trust you?? You tried to sell my HEAD on E-Bay!" --The WitchKing, ATFAH

"How come I can remember what I choked on 3 years ago, but I can't remember how to tie a knot?" --Random redhead kid from my dream.

"I think I died before that." --Me and Ant, at the same time.

"HeY DUDE Whazzup MAN?" --Uncle Tape, trying to be a rapper

"I KNEW he was constipated!" --Me, to Fluffy, about Treebeard

"You are a bad boy! Out of my castle thingie! NOW!" --Theoden, to Grima, I forgot from where.

"Cough up the midget, Pointy-Girl!" --WitchKing, A messed up version of the Flight to the Ford thing inthe movie. Man, that was lame.

"If I could only remember which Wraith's hairball Arwen was..." -Me. Loooong story.

"Wolf's head, Wolf head, FRIES!" --A random song I sang in the combo line while me and Moose were discussing Spirited Away

"Your cat is retarded. It just fell off the couch." --Nirvana's little sis, who is OLDER then me -_- about Large.

"Air filters must feel good to a Nazgul." -Moose, after reading my fic.

"YOUNG coooww... Nicey Nice! ...mmm.. Squeaky clean! Yeah!" 3 TK Trolls, about a wallet.

"Stare with caution." --Unknown

"Alright, get together on the weekend, get the chain, get the camera." --Moose's mom. Don't ask, but it's a LOT less desturbing then it sounds.

"The spirit of my tonsils still haunts my throat!" --Me, to my doctor.

"Forks make ravioli pretty!" --Me

"--Done yet?
--With one horse.
--I want meat."--Me and Moose.

"--Those aren't mints, they're...
--Mints." --Me and Moose, on the same night as prev. quote.

"I DID look, just not yet." --Moose

"That's poop in Elvis--ELIS-sh--ELVISH!" --Fluffy the Demon Elf

"Rencarnation is getting to try over and over again until you get it right." --Darwin Awards

"And if at first you don't suceed, seriously reconsider what you're doing." --Darwin Awards

"A friend in need is a pest." --Myth Directions

"Don't sit there! I'm moving! Get your legs out of the way! NOW!" --Moose's evil Mom

"That's what they call suicide in track!" -Moose, while watching an Omnimax video about migrating Wildebeests.

Fave Authers! Ok, you may not be on my official list, but if you are here, be happy.

Megan Sleevewillow: Hillarious! A bit too many on the whore jokes, but who cares!

The Noble Platypus: Wow... You are a marvel, really HAHAHAHAHA!

Maran Zelde: Best Invader Zim Parodies I've seen!

Normal Human Being: Normal, I really can't say a thing. You are just plain awsome. I love your stories.!

...And to many others, you guys rock!

LARGE PICS ARE FINALLY UP!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals* Go see his gallery at http:///viewpubimage.asp?id_=8046713 HE'S CUTE!!!!!!!

Ok, you all must be dying of boredom by now. Will I be kind and stop?? NOO!! I WILL NEVER STOP!!! NEVERNEVERNEVER!!!!!

Ok... maybe shall, BUT NOT ON MY OWN FREE WILL! Just my mom's.

I'll shut up now.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Frosty the Ringwraith and other Christmas songs by Lirenel reviews
All your favorite christmas carols in Lord of the Rings style
Lord of the Rings - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 8 - Words: 1,407 - Reviews: 98 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 8/8/2006 - Published: 12/13/2002
The Hate of His Life by Aislin of the Shadows reviews
COMPLETE! When one of Erik's phangirls decides to try and help him get over Christine, she enters him in a contest that makes him date girls until he finds one he can love. However all the contestants seem to be phangirls as well...This can't end well for
Phantom of the Opera - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 20 - Words: 36,639 - Reviews: 345 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 1/30/2005 - Published: 12/12/2004 - Complete
The Lord of Chaos, Confusion and General Insanity by Mendora Queen of Fire reviews
Aragorn the Park Ranger! Trigger-happy ex-marine Boromir! A sensitive Ringwraith! And don't forget Gandalf on anger management and Sam the camera devil! It's all here! Read at your own risk...Bwahahaha!
Lord of the Rings - Rated: K+ - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 13,487 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 3 - Updated: 4/17/2004 - Published: 10/12/2003
Eye on the Prize by KtShhh reviews
When Sauron switches bodies with Frodo, it’s an all out race against time (with the Fellowship on his heels) to get the Ring back to Mordor! NEW: Act 16: Leaving Amber-lei and the Crossing to Gondor: In which stuff happens. Oh, so much stuff! Please RnR
Lord of the Rings - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 60,107 - Reviews: 136 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 1/9/2004 - Published: 4/27/2002 - Frodo B., Sauron
Sauron Baby by JayRain reviews
One song parody to rule them all... Or not. The Witch King sings a little song for Sauron, set to the tune of Santa Baby. Stop by and read it for a dose of holiday humor and cheer.
Lord of the Rings - Rated: K - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 168 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 3 - Published: 12/10/2003 - Sauron - Complete
Who Should It Be? by XNemesis reviews
Crack!fic. Sauron won and and gets his body back. Things go a bit pear shaped from there.
Lord of the Rings - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,453 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 5 - Published: 9/21/2003 - Sauron, Saruman - Complete
Monty Sauron and the Quest for the One Ring by Katarina Freeman reviews
*Chapter seven is up* Can't you just see it with sickening clarity? Nine black cloaked figures, all clapping coconuts together as they go on their quest? Very silly. Be afraid. And then R&R.
Lord of the Rings - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 9 - Words: 8,504 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 10/23/2002 - Published: 1/2/2002
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

98 Tiny Frollos reviews
It's summer break, and my stupid ecology project, a tank with a snail named Frollo, turns into a tank with LOTS of snails named Frollo! So my twisted mind goes: 'What if they were HUMAN' And madness ensues!
Disney - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,993 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 6/22/2004 - Published: 6/13/2004
The Song of Gypsy Goodness reviews
Esmerelda is the only female that ever gets noticed in HoND. This is a song (and CATS parody) to honor a lesser, yet important, Gypsy!
Disney - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 651 - Reviews: 3 - Published: 6/8/2004
Gypsy Fever reviews
Written at midnight and revised. A strong sickness drives Clopin to think he needs to be with Frollo. WARNING: Very VERY Twisted!
Disney - Rated: T - English - Humor/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,394 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 8 - Published: 5/28/2004