Sentimental Me
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Joined 07-13-13, id: 4879567, Profile Updated: 08-31-14
Author has written 1 story for Left 4 Dead.

Hey, Y'all. I'm from Texas, and Left 4 Dead stories are the best. Check out my story Never Surrender, I love reviews! Also, check out my survivor stores of the lives the characters had pre- and post-apocalypse!

Thanks Much

This is how the Left 4 Dead / Left 4 Dead 2 Characters are profiled in my story Never Surrender.

Nicolas 'Nick' Andrew Barretti

Nick is an Italian-blooded gambler from Boston, MA. He had a bad childhood involving his mother having cancer, and his father leaving her with Nick and his younger sister Samantha behind. At age 18 when his mother passed, Nick left, and kept no contact with his family. He got a job as a 'mobster' of sorts, and found that life was great when you had money and suits.

While headed down to what Nick stated as the "miserable" town of Savannah, Georgia to check out a few people at his boss Big's request, he finds himself caught in what the world thought was "just a flu".

The gambler reluctantly teams up with 3 other strangers, and finds himself thrown a little off-track when the group finds a girl named Ashley Haner.

Ashley Rae Haner

Ashley is a sweet southern belle from south Texas, where she was born, raised, and has lived all her life. She was raised on her grandparents' ranch until she moved out at age 20, just before her grandfather passed, and her grandmother following his lead a year later.

After she finds that her best friend Zoey is being forced to move in with her mom for good, Ashley lets a heartbroken friend convince her to travel to Savannah with her in lou of an ex-boyfriend. A few days after the pair arrives, they get separated when Ashley's friend gets rescued, but Ashley is left behind.

Finding Zoey and long-lost friend Francis in the infection-filled state of Georgia, she gains new hope that they will all be okay, until she is separated from the pair in an attack a few months later.

Ashley's medical conditions mix with the exhaustion of traveling without food and water for months and she is rendered left for dead until a young mechanic finds her and takes her in with a group of unlikely strangers.

Rochelle Jayleen Hamilton

Rochelle is an assertive African-American bred woman who aspires to be a reporter down in Savannah. She knows that if you want things to get better, they may have to get worse, but she can't stand being ordered around by newscasters when she's trying to get a story that will take her to the top.

When Rochelle hears of a flu-like outbreak, she is instantly interested and hoping this will be the material she needs to get her a place in front of the camera.

Before she can get enough info, the so-called "flu" turns into a disaster. As people start changing, others start running. Rochelle finds her life in the hands of a gambler, a football coach, and a happy-go-lucky mechanic in the middle of the apocalypse she never thought was real.

Ellison "Ellis" Joseph McKinney

Ellis is a Texas-born mechanic who knows all there is to know about cars, and eventually turned that knowledge into a career. Looking for employees and a break, Ellis takes a trip to Savannah, Georgia after saying goodbye to his bestest friend Keith, but begins to find that all of his potential workers are sick with the flu.

Then the flu begins to change them into cannibalistic creatures.

Never one to lose hope, Ellis bumps into a football coach from the local high school and tags along with him. No more than a few hours later, they find a disbelieving news rookie, and suit-clad con man, and Ellis suggests they turn into a team.

Zoey Martina Halloway

Born in the quiet state of Arkansas, Zoey's parents separate and her mother flees to Syracuse, NY, while 15-year-old Zoey and her dad head down to Texas.

Forced to fly back and forth between the two polar opposites, Zoey makes friends with a girl named Ashley, about a year older with a natural southern drawl, and a sassy, fierce attitude which Zoey compliments with her shyness.

When Zoey turns 18, she is forced to fly back to New York so that she can legally be freed from the bonds of the divorce, but her mother sends her to Georgia to stay with her aunt for a few months; something Zoey is not a stranger to. Upon arrival, Zoey finds that her aunt's side of town has been evacuated due to sickness, and Zoey is too late to make it out. She finds Ashley after a year of separation, and no contact for 2 months. Ashley has brought along long-lost and recently found biker friend, Francis, and the three make a plan to get out alive, until Ashley gets separated from the group along the way, and the remaining two come across the unlikely pair of a retired military vet and a quiet computer keeper.

Francis Taylor Marks

Born to a pin-up sweetheart and a "Born to Ride" biker, Francis followed in his fathers tire tracks after his mom becomes hospitalized with lung cancer due to smoking, and passes away. Traveling from state to state, the Civil Emergency Defense Agency (CEDA) forces Francis to hit the brakes just outside Savannah's city limits until he is cleared to leave.

After he finds he is never going to get cleared, or evacuated, Francis begins to find his own way out until he realizes he is out of gas. Reunited with young friend Ashley, the two scoop up Zoey on the way, and make a plan to get the hell out. When Ashley gets 'abducted' and goes missing, Francis and Zoey are left to save each other until they run into Louis.

Darnell "Coach" Leroy Jackson

Local football coach at Savannah's own J. Allen Fullmore High School and living with his slowly fading grandmother, 'Coach' found not too much to complain about. After his grandmother passes at her age of 105-years-old, an infection alert is sent out across the state by CEDA, but no one knows what or why.

Once Coach realizes that there is a cannibalistic threat on the loose, he visits his grandmother's grave, sends her a quick prayer, and quickly begins to take self-defense and find a way out of the state.

He bumps into a youngin' named Ellis who he invites to tag along with him, and together the two make an unlikely team of four with an aspiring news reporter and an ex-con.

Louis James Alexander

Louis always enjoyed the somewhat simple life; working at a computer company, a beer with some friends every once in a while on a Friday night, emails from his mom and dad every couple weeks or so.

When work asks him to move to Georgia, he says "Hey, why not?" and smiles the whole trip.

A week after moving in, Louis finds out exactly why not.

When a retired military veteran with a bad smoking addiction rescues him from CEDAs shoot-to-kill orders, the two wander the streets of Savannah until they come across a tattoo-covered biker, and a young girl from Arkansas.

William "Bill" Richard Overbeck

Bill always wanted to be in the military. It was his dream from age 9. After high school, he went into training and soon became part of the armed forces as he always and only hoped, and he loved every second of serving and protecting.

Bill was shot in action and retired in Savannah at age 66 after being put in the hospital for a month of medication and recovery from a large bullet-wound in his shoulder.

Healing just fine, Bill returned home for good to his beautiful wife, Jessica Katherine, and they lived happily together.

Until Jessie got sick. At first, doctors couldn't tell what it was, but as soon as they found it was a strain of disease that had spread across the state, Jessie became quarantined and no one would tell Bill what was going on.

On his last visit to her before she couldn't fight any longer, he announced that he failed to protect her. She placed a hand on his cheek and told him he was wrong, and to never stop fighting, kissed him once more, and then he was asked to leave.

Putting on his army greens and grabbing a gun, Bill sought out to fight back the infection, and the military on the way. He rescued a young man from a CEDA agent who was set to kill, and the two began an escape from the city before coming across Zoey and Francis.

Later on, Bill willingly sacrificed himself in a town in the outskirts of Louisiana so that the remaining three could stay safe on the bridge where the infected could not harm them.

RIP William Richard Overbeck

Hayden Sarah McLoughlin

Hayden is a feisty brunette from Illinois, who takes a free three-week trip to Louisiana she won in a drawing at work.

A week or so in, things began to change, and she comes across the infection that's been taking everyone's lives, along with finding a group of survivors traveling together. After reaching the Liberty Mall of Savannah, Hayden finds a fellow survivor who knows how to get to her grandparent's old house.

Wishing the team the best of luck, and slapping Nick on the ass, she leaves with her newly-found escort a month before the team finds their second solo-traveler.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Sweet Revenge(NickEllisOFC One-Shot) by SoulFire Nova reviews
What would some of you girls do if(heaven forbid) Nick and/or Ellis really did turn out to be gay? Kat knows, and when the two have a lover's moment she's left with a disillusioned and fading crush and decides to take her own brand of revenge. Crack-fic; if you like slash don't read it, you'll probably hate me. The results of too much sugar and not enough sleep(4:30AM).
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God Hates Us by 666-HyuugaNeji-999 reviews
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Misc. Plays/Musicals - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 28,598 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 6/16/2011 - Published: 1/13/2011 - Complete
Realism by KRenee reviews
After a long day of sweat, blood and hard work, Nick and Rochelle need to wind down for the night. You're going to wish you're been left for dead... Nick x Rochelle
Left 4 Dead - Rated: M - English - Humor/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,029 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 7 - Published: 8/24/2010 - Nick, Rochelle - Complete
Never Surrender reviews
Nick and the survivors were doing fine (as fine as it gets with Nick around), but Ellis finds girl and begs the team to let her stay. When everyone but Nick complies to his request, will he lose it because of this untrusted stranger? Or will he find something about himself he never knew?
Left 4 Dead - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 46 - Words: 61,898 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 9/2/2014 - Published: 7/14/2013 - Ellis, Rochelle, Coach, Nick - Complete