Author has written 1 story for Rise of the Guardians. Hi My name Is Lenella, you can call me Lenny or Lel or whatever you want. I could say more but, My brain and my hands don't wanna type anymore so... yea Favorite books/series: 1.) Percy Jackson, Hero's of Olympus 3.) Mortal instruments 4.) knight and rouge 5.) the raven duet 6.) Brain jacked Favorite movies: 1.) How to train your dragon 2.) rise of the guardians 3.) The amazing spiderman 4.) captain America 5.) Tangled 6.) hotel Transylvania 7.) Sherlock holms Favorite foods: 1.) SUBWAY 2.) lucky charms 3.) pears 4.) yogurt 5.) shrimp Favorite video games: 1.) Skyward sword 2.) the last of us 3.) Harvest moon 4.) Animal crossing 5.) bioshock infinite 6.) GTA Other random things I like: Homestuck rise of the brave tangled dragons the avengers Zelda spiderman tennis softball baseball games the color blue Hiccup horrendous haddock the third knock off soda's cosplay anime manga flossing bedspreads Yaoi shipping drawing(eventhoughisuckoops) party's fangirling |