Author has written 7 stories for Legend of Zelda, World Only God Knows/神のみぞ知るセカイ, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU/やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている, and Overlord/オーバーロード. Status on works: Less than a God, third chapter has been posted. Fourth one in the works. :) Knowing thy Enemy, temporarily on hiatus, will focus energy on Less than a God, sorry. As you might of guessed my interest revolve around certain anime/manga and video games with a particular flare to them. I have started two projects, as of now, that I will finish as the time allows. That being said, I apologize in advance for what may seem as a neglect on my part to update the darn things. However, I do plan on finishing them, I just have a funny, albeit sometimes slow, way of writing these things. I do enjoy writing though, and hope to improve as I go along. On another note, I do hope you enjoy my writing and, who knows, even leave me with some reviews as to what your thoughts were :) |