Socially Awkward Wolf
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Poll: Now that I have every tribute, should I do the rest of the reapings or should I just go right into the Capitol chapters? Vote Now!
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Joined 06-28-13, id: 4819274, Profile Updated: 06-07-14
Author has written 2 stories for Hunger Games.

Don't let the penname fool you. I'm awkward in every way possible.

About me:

Name: I'd rather not give it out, but you can call me Wolf, Wolfy, or Mr. Wolfenstein. Please use a German accent for the last one.

Age: I'm would be in the reaping bowl. That's all I'll tell you.

Gender: A heat seeking missile. JK, I'm male.

District: I took this quiz, and I got District 2. You should check it out.

This is Home.

And that's all I can think of now. Goodbye.

The Rules for the SYOT.

Keep it realistic people, someone with natural purple eyes and pink hair will instantly be rejected. Make sure you spell check. A tribute that is written with numerous spelling errors will be rejected. I will understand if you spell stuff wrong if your first language isn't English, and please notify me about that. There needs to be a logical reason for volunteers from outer districts. Please don't use the volunteering for sibling thing much. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus! Please! Everyone from Districts 1, 2, and 4 should be volunteering. If they are reaped, I would like a good reason why. I prefer to try giving tips on what should be changed if a tribute is on the verge of being a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Or is one. I'll try to PM you back to give tips. It's okay if your tribute dies. 44-47 will die, only one comes out. I am not biased, and will try to make it realistic. No tributes that resemble cannon characters! No more tributes that are friends or are related to Victors and that stuff. I have a lot of those in this story, and I don't plan on having more. In this timeline, no canon characters existed. So there better not be any distant relatives of Katniss. My way with training scores is like this,

1-3: The tribute has almost no hope, does not care at all, or just is bad. The lowest scores I will probably give are threes. Only one or two tributes will probably get in this range.

4-6: What the average tribute should get. Most tributes should be in this range, excluding careers.

7: This one is strange to me, so that's why I gave it my own category. This number is for non-careers that are above average, and careers that are below average. This is probably the score that gets non-careers targeted, and possibly, careers cut from the pack. About two or three tributes should be in this range.

8-10: All careers should be in this range. No exceptions.

11-12: I will be giving no one these scores, because it is close to impossible to get here, even for careers.

My training scores are just a calculator. For example, an average tribute with a 5 could outlast a career with a 9. Just sayin'.

Oh yeah, one last thing. You may reserve a tribute for up to a week. If you have some problems with your computer or need more time, just say so. I'll most likely give you more time.

For the Capitol Chapters (I plan way to far ahead) I will give each tribute one PoV, with six PoVs in eight chapters, (there may be some filler chapters in there as well, with PoVs of other people) making 48 PoVs in all for the Capitol. They are the train rides, the chariot parade, All three training days, Private Training Sessions (with the training scores in the PoV of Capitol Citizens in a separate chapter) Interviews, and finally, launch.

Tributes (Ones with bolded names mean their reaping has been posted.)

District 1

Male:David "Dusty" Timbiko, age 15 (created by TheMockingjayLives)

Female: Sapphire Magenta, age 16 (Created by Tigergirl22)

Male: Oliver Shea, age 18, (Created by Taylor1103)

Female: Alexandria "Alex" Gardenias, age 17 (Created by Amor-deliria-nervosa-7491)

District 2

Male: Hunt Bline, age 18 (Created by Amor-deliria-nervosa-7491)

Female:Charlotte "Char" Bline, age 17 (Created by Amor-deliria-nervosa-7491)

Male: Lain Quinn, age 18, (Created by Rippo100)

Female: Mist Stormsong, age 18, (Created by Epic Rainbow Girl)

District 3

Male: Mica Shict, age 18 (created by BecauseofKillianJones)

Female:Jeneline "Jen" Florence, age 12 (created by TheMockingjayLives)

Male: Petehr de Margaux, age 16, (created by BecauseofKillianJones)

Female: Sunny Miller, age 12 (created by MissSerendipity2013)

District 4

Male: Caspian Ross, age 17, (Created by MidnightRaven323)

Female: Cascade "Cassy" Mariner, Age 17,(Created by Amor-deliria-nervosa-7491)

Male: Maximum Pierez, age 18, (created by angelofmusicforever)

Female: Sherlyn Finley, Age 16, (Created by torystory93)

District 5

Male: Alak Ender, age 17, (Created by Taylor1103)

Female: Skylar Blackwood, age 15, (Created by Taylor1103)

Male: Raul Sphynx, age 17, (created by hungergamesareamazing5516)

Female: Ketrina Tenril, age 12, (created by cupcake344)

District 6

Male: Anatole Kair, age 16, (created by Tigergirl22)

Female: Morphina Trance, age 14, (Created by rilliusin)

Male: Robinn Grayfield, age 13, ( created by hungergamesareamazing5516)

Female: Lotte Quintus, age 15, (created by angelofmusic4ever)

District 7

Male: Callum Moulin, age 18, (created by cupcake994)

Female: Sophie Hilton, age 14, (created by TigerGirl22)

Male: Lionel Elfwood, age 17, (created by HungerG94)

Female: India Black, age 14, (created by TigerGirl22)

District 8

Male: Cyrus Callus, age 14, (Created by Me)

Female: Stella Wakers, age 13, (Created by TigerGirl22)

Male: Bengaline-Lycra "Benny" Argyle, age 13, (Created by The Mockingjay Lives)

Female: Shiloah Moore, age 14, (Created by Don't Eat My Cheesecake. Ever)

District 9

Male: Raven Ezekal, age 17, (Created by Epic Rainbow Girl)

Female: Eveleen "Eve" Jaswell, age 15, (Created by TigerGirl22)

Male: Lewis Adayo, age 17 (Created by TigerGirl22)

Female: Sky Herilton, age 17, (Created by Epic Rainbow Girl)

District 10

Male: Cletus Blanchard, age 15, (created by QuietConspiracy)

Female: Phoenix Summers, age 15, (created by tasherekalb)

Male: Desmond Grovenstin, age 17, (created by Taylor1103)

Female: Cahlia Nikelle, age 18, (created by BecauseofKillianJones)

District 11

Male: Joey McIntyre, age 16 (created by nickelnick)

Female: Rose Leslie, age 17 (created by nickelnick)

Male: Adrian Knight, age 14 ( created by BaconLogic)

Female: Nathalie Rose, age 16, (created by angelofmusic4ever)

District 12

Male: Austin Portage, age 17, (created by angelofmusic4ever)

Female: Colette Rapids, age 16, (created by angelofmusic4ever)

Male: Caesar Torchson, age 14, (created by angelofmusic4ever)

Female: Alicia Massicur, age 16, (created by angelofmusic4ever)

Chapter progress:

District 9 Reapings 0%

District 12 Reapings 0%

Tributes I have in other SYOTs (in no particular order) Potential spoilers to other stories.

Seth Wellwood, District Nine Male.
Story: A Game of Skill: The Thirty-Fourth Hunger Games, by K. A. Oceana

Ray Blanchard, District One Male.
Story: 100th Hunger Games: 4th Quarter Quell SYOT!, by DefiantGrey (This is still open, I recommend you submit. *wink wink* *nudge nudge* *slap* *wink*)

Goran Pavlov, District Nine Male.
Story: Cradle to the Grave, by District11-Olive

Eric Kristensen, District Nine Male; Michael Natkato, District 11 Male
Story: The 67th Hunger Games, by torystory93

Joseph Echemik, District Nine Male Placed 21st
Story: Riot of Color, by Cashmere67

Vern Tillier, District Eleven Male Placed 17th
Story: A Reminder of Our Crimes: The 35th Hunger Games, by hgamesfic

Tiberius Maximus, District Two Male Placed 2nd
Story: The 100th Hunger Games, by Rippo100

Nero Nikoli, District One Male; Tobias Mackintosh, District Two Male
Story: A Great Day for Freedom, by The SeaBear

James Saturn, District Six Male Placed 22nd
Story: Wish Upon a Star, by PenMagic

Pontius Tesla, District Three Male
Story: Measured in Blood, by jakey121

Merrel Aiken, District Seven Male
Story: Unconscious Reality, by A Nihilistic Queen

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The 20th: They All Fall Down by Chaos In Her Wake reviews
Hot scarlet streams run in rivulets down their tortured bodies. Their lips part in agony so terrible that their screams are silent. Plagued by nightmares, they forever flee but can never escape. Let the 20th Annual Hunger Games begin. I do not own THG.
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Cradle to the Grave by District11-Olive reviews
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A Reminder of Our Crimes: The 35th Hunger Games by hgamesfic reviews
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The Odds are in a District's Favor: The 400th Hunger Games reviews
"For this year's Quarter Quell, the amount of tributes have been doubled and must work in teams with their own District Partners. All of the tributes from one District can win together, resulting in up to four victors." Welcome to the 16th Quarter Quell. SYOT closed.
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At Death's Door: The 42nd Hunger Games
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