Author has written 28 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Blood Ties, CSI: Miami, and Stargate: Atlantis. Ok, I'm new at publishing and might make a lot of mistakes first. I do hope I'll be forgiven and no one will hesitate to criticize: better to be told it's not good than keep repeating one's mistakes. I also hope to get better in time because reading and writing have always ruled my world: kind of live in a different world, filled with stories and characters who sometimes look much more real to me than the people who surround me. I've got very eclectic tastes: I'm a huge fan of TV series, especially the Stargate ones but also of writers like Jane Austen. For those who honor me with reading my stories, please bear in mind that, though I read, watch TV, think and work in English, I live in a French environment so sometimes it gets in the way of my sentences, especially when my two kids start yelling in French right next to me! Thanks guys for the reviews and "favorites" and "follows" I got since I started writing. They make my day each and every time ;) A big thank you to the two wonderful ladies who've honored me with proofreading my stories. You rock! Right now, I'm into Blood Ties, a wonderful Canadian series I discovered some months ago. The characters have become such an obsession, the stories practically write themselves on their own! But, hey, it doesn't mean I've forgotten Sam and Jack ;) Wonking on stories for them too. |