![]() Author has written 2 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hello! I am PardonmyFangirl! I am an armature fanfic writer and getting better everyday! I hope that you enjoy the stories that I am writing and have a good day! I do have other social media but they are under different names so if you do know me personally/mutuals, then i have no problem giving it out! My ships : Many and too many to list. Some of my fave fandoms: Lets just say that a lot. So it's been a long time since I've been writing and posting on here. But as of recently, I wanted to go and go back. I might want to change my name on here mostly bc I have grown out of the name Pardonmyfangirl (mostly bc I am nonbinary lol but also bc we grow as people and regret things we thought was going to be a good thing. I'm not sure what to rename but whatever ill figure it out) I'll try and post more often but for now I might post twice a month. Thank you for everyone who has stuck around for the few fanfics I still have and trust me there's more to come. |