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Joined 05-01-13, id: 4698351, Profile Updated: 04-24-14
Author has written 3 stories for Code Lyoko.

Name: You can call me CookieCrumbz for now, but if we talk and you come up with a nickname that's fine too. Nicknames are always fun.

Age: 22.

My Tumblr: If you ever want to ask me something but don't want to send me a PM over this site, I can be reached at my tumblr.

http : // some - cookie - crumbz . tumblr . com /

Fandoms: Code Lyoko, Soul Eater, Pandora Hearts, Code Geass, Persona 4 and many others that I am not likely to write for.

My Ships/ OTPs: UlUmi (Ulrich and Yumi from Code Lyoko), WilliEm (William and Emily from Code Lyoko - I don't care if it's crack and has a negative possibility of ever happening, you can't stop me!), WillOdd (William and Odd from Code Lyoko), SoMa (Soul and Maka from Soul Eater), BreRon (Break and Lady Sharon from Pandora Hearts), OzBert (Oz and Gilbert from Pandora Hearts), SuzaLulu (Suzaku and Lelouch from Code Geass), CKal (Cici and Kallen from Code Geass), YuSuke (Yu and Yosuke from Persona 4), YuKo (Yu and Yukiko from Persona 4).

Ships that I may write for: WillUmi (William and Yumi from Code Lyoko), WillIta (William and Aelita from Code Lyoko), JerLita (Jeremy and Aelita from Code Lyoko - I know that this one is basically canon but I've never been a big supporter. They may be a side pairing in some of my stories but I probably won't focus much on their romance.), OddRich (Odd and Ulrich from Code Lyoko - I ship almost all the ships, because I can) DeathStar (Death the Kid and Black*Star from Soul Eater), YuJi (Yu and Kanji from Persona 4).

Ships I just can't see myself writing for: OddLita (Odd and Aelita from Code Lyoko - I simply like their relationship as a close friendship/ sibling-esque stand point.), UlLita (Ulrich and Aelita from Code Lyoko - Again, I like their relationship as a friendship. Though I might actually write a few pieces centered around developing their bond as friends, since we don't get nearly as much interactions between these two then I think we should from what I've rewatched of the series myself.), MaKid (Maka and Death the Kid from Soul Eater - I think these two bounce off one another well, but I don't think they could cut it as anything but friends. Kid and Maka both come off as stubborn and, while Soul and Maka do fight, I don't think Kid or Maka would be willing to relent for one another).

Notice: Please understand that I am not going to go bashing on pairings I don't ship, so if you see something on what I won't write, don't go thinking I'll start trolling. I can see the appeal to the pairings, but I just have my own personal preferences. Also, if you ship a pairing that you don't see on any of my lists, but would like me to write, feel free to ask me my opinion. It's most likely in the middle ground, with a possibility of being written, but I may have just forgotten about it.

My Unpopular Opinion on Fanfiction:

Just like everyone else in the world, I have personal opinions on what makes good or bad fanfiction. From this, you'll see what I'll be more inclined to read and what I'll be more likely to produce myself.

Characters: I prefer if all characters be kept true to themselves in the canon. I can excuse a few hiccups to their personality here or there in AUs because they've been born and built in a slightly different landscape than the original canon plot.

I am also against grossly demolishing who a character is for the sake of a relationship in the romance genre. As cliche as this sounds, I believe that honest-to-good love means not having to change who you are too much; it means two people can better and support one another while still remaining true to who they are on the inside - unless that involves abuse on either side of the field.

The last big thing that will turn me away from a story is when a character is demonized to make another character look better. Typically it's done where a writer will take a character that has a relatively divided view among the fans with some negative tendencies - being too pushy, being known to be confrontational, or being generally disliked by a decent portion of the fandom for one reason or another - and will blow them completely out of their original connotation for the sake of teh dramaz. I cannot stand when this is done without any real reasoning or proper execution. I have, however, read a few stories where characters I like have been turned a touch more wicked to promote both plot progression as well as character development so I cannot speak out too harshly against this. It all hinges on the execution and motivation behind the actions. Turning a character who is relatively neutral into an abusive, insane douche/rapist/murderer or even just making them a complete moron just because you don't like them or they get in the way of your ship? Instead of acting so immaturely, just make up some useless, paper-thin ass of an OC to bash instead.

Universe: I'll read both canon-based fanfics and AU stories. However, with canon-based I will bail out if I see the established canon being broken. Basically nonsensical powers/attributes, characters that know more than they should without any explanation (i.e. OCs who have just met the cast but know everything about them and what has happened to them in the past), and other things similar to that. My stance is similar with AUs; if you have a set canon for how the world operates and you deviate from it, it is still not okay. Just because it's your world does not mean you can just change the rules to fit your fancy without a legitimate reason. Personal headcanons being expressed in stories - assuming they do not go against established canon - are fine and, in my opinion, can add a nice touch of extra depth to both the world and the characters.

My Update/ Story Schedule:

I do not like the idea of leaving any story unfinished for any reason. I am, however, a college student working at least 30 hours a week to provide for myself. As such, I don't have much time to write no matter how much I wish I could just live in a little pod where all I did was listen to cool jams and type to me heart's content. To assure that I never leave a story incomplete, I will not upload a story until I have already written it in it's entirety. I will not upload multi-chapter stories all at once, however, because I will be re-reading each chapter before I upload it to make sure that there are no grammatical issues/continuity issues.

I will also not be uploading any summaries of other potential ideas I have simply because there is always the chance it will be scrapped before I even begin writing it.

Lastly, I will accept requests or prompts. Your request doesn't have to be one of my OTPs either; I'm pretty open in regards to shipping. There are ships - which I have listed - that I will not write in a romantic sense simply because I cannot see them in a romantic way myself. Though I will not be rude and judge - because everyone has their own opinions and has the right to like whatever they like - I will most likely not be able to portray stories requests with one of those pairings in the light a requester might intend. If you ever want to react me with a prompt/request, you can reach me through a PM on here or via my Tumblr - which is also listed above.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Capture the Flag reviews
She's greeted to the image of an abandoned gardening hoe, with bits of dirt and grass and blood on the curved edge. Warning for blood and minor gore.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,835 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 13 - Published: 1/24/2015 - Ulrich S., Yumi I. - Complete
Morning Splendor reviews
A simple story of early morning exchanges and sweet gestures between a married Ulrich and Yumi.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,894 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 4 - Published: 2/15/2014 - Ulrich S., Yumi I. - Complete
Bite the Dust reviews
Ulrich begins having horrific nightmares of watching Yumi die before his eyes at XANA's hands, and struggles to cope with the after effects in his waking world. Warning for a touch of gore.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,430 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 6 - Published: 2/15/2014 - Ulrich S., Yumi I. - Complete