Forever Otakus
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Joined Apr 15, 2013, id: 4665819, Profile Updated: Nov 13, 2013
Author has written 1 story for Katekyo Hitman Reborn!.

((Hajimemashite minna-san! this account is shared))

I will write my profile first, the second will be my partner

PenName: NekoMyaw-Chii (Original : NekoMimiMyawMyaw)

Nick Name: Just call me Sa-chan

Favorite Anime: Hetalia Axis Power, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Eyeshield 21, Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Fairy Tail, and many more

Favorite Game: Devil May Cry (All series), Bayoneta, Dynasty Warrior, Sengoku Basara, Fatal Frame, And many more

Hobby: Drawing, writing fanfiction, and swimming

Describe: According to my big brother, i'm a sadist who always beats him whenever i'm annoyed or mad at him. i'm an Otaku and a gamer too since i'm 7 year olds (blame my big brother who always invite and force me to play a video game or watch an anime with him, but actually i'm really happy to became a gammer and an otaku)

well, thats all about me

Hiyah there! This is NekoMyaw-Chii's partner!

Pen Name: Ark-Kun (original: ArkreonBlade)

Nick Name: Just call me Kimchi

Favorite anime: Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Fairy Tail, Prince of Tennis, Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama, and much more!

Video Game Favorites: The Persona series, the Final Fantasy series, Little Big Plantet (1&2), Rune Factory 3, Kingdom Hearts, Castle Crashers, Spiral Knights, Rusty Hearts Reborn, and more.

Hobby: Drawing anime/manga, writing fanfiction, reading fanfictions, and other stuff (Like annoying my friends!)

Describe: Well, I'm a young girl who is a otaku, and loves video games. I tend to get answers wrong on my math test (think the lowest was 78%) and has the urge to pound my head on the wall whenever I think I am stupid. I am a very shy person, but is an out-going person when it comes to my friends and family. According to my brother, I can be sarcastic,and to my sisters' friend, quirky... well then... To my sister, shy, apologetic when there is no fault, but very willing and kind to help with a tidbit of laziness thrown in... Currently I am the age between 10 and 20... mwahahahaha you'll never find out!

When we write fanfics, we will go in patterns. The first fanfic we are making will has me writing first, because I thought of the plot first. We will tell you who is writing by putting Neko or Blade, or something similar. You can guess who's who.


I Love You Dear Sister:

If Tsuna is now Tsuki, shouldn't her new brother have a different name? Calling him Tsuna is kind of strange. I keep thinking that "Tsuna" is really "Tsuki" instead of fem!Tsuna's new brother.

Since it's 72, shouldn't he be called Yoshi or Natsu or something?:

Well, if you consider the fact that this is a parallel world, there are many chances of different names, it's just that Tsunayoshi happens to be the name of the brother. Technically, Tsuki's brother is kinda like Tsuna, just more popular and more athletic (but he still has bad grades!). If you think about it, Other Tsuna is also like HDWM Tsuna. He is more calculative, but only when it comes to competitions, not fights. Eh... Hopefully that answer your question... I'll post this on the 3rd chapter...

On-Going Stories: 1

I Love You Dear Sister Current Chapters: 6

Complete: 0

I Love You Dear Sister reviews
Tsuna is killed by a Corrupted Familiga, but since the attack wasn't supposed to happen, the Trinisette placed Tsuna to a Parallel world where he was a girl, and has an older brother! Incest and Yaoi, 72Fem27 8059 and 1896
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 17,869 - Reviews: 120 - Favs: 345 - Follows: 423 - Updated: Dec 22, 2014 - Published: Jul 8, 2013 - Tsuna/Tsunayoshi S., Vongola 10th Generation