Switching Writer
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Joined 04-02-13, id: 4638351, Profile Updated: 01-02-17
Author has written 1 story for Power Rangers.

Hi there! Welcome to the Switching Writer profile! It's us, Rosie and Rish!

We're from different sides of the world and we found each other through tumblr, so check it out: rangerheadcanons (Rosie) & wisdomspryde (Rish).

Let's see, Rish has always wanted to make her own Power Rangers series and so she messaged Rosie (who also has wanted to make a series like this for a while!) and then it just went on from there. We've posted a couple of chapters now so, if you can, Read & Review. It'll really mean a lot to us and will boost our spirits.

We have our own individual accounts so this joint account doesn't have any favorite stories/authors (so please don't take it the wrong way).

Hm, what else? We think that's it for now. Hope to be sending review replies to you guys soon!

Thank you!!!!

UPDATE: Ok, in case you were wondering what's happened to us, don't worry, both Rish and Rosie are alive. Life's just decided to pile everything on at once upon us and thus, we have been unable to write much for the last few months. Super sorry about that. We'll be back working soon enough though, so stay tuned! Give us a PM if you'd like more a more specific date or whatever!

Thank you once again!

Power Rangers Mystical Knights reviews
The treacherous sorcerer Kale has committed a forbidden act. He has transported through time, with the goal to rule a world free of magic and most importantly, free of the only ones who can stop him; The Mystical Knights. Little did he know he was followed into the new world by Demitri, his old friend and founder of Earth's new protectors, the Power Rangers Mystical Knights. OCs.
Power Rangers - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 55,081 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 2/26/2014 - Published: 4/3/2013