Author has written 20 stories for Digimon. Hello. If you are looking for the updated rswisme, please refer to me as Din Ichijouji. Thank you. My name's Laurelle and I really love Digimon! My favorite character is Ken Ichijouji, because he's pretty much like me. Except I'm not a boy! Okay, that was stale. Anyways, I'm working on a lot of fics right now, even though I only listed two, and will complete them as soon as soon as school is over. Oh, my best friend Stacey is on here. her penname is tigerlilly4179. Her poem is bad. Verrry bad. Oh, my other friend Jessica is also on. She has yet to write stories on here, since I just started her account without telling her! Her penname is Jessica Takaishi. My friend Amanda is a gothic psychopath. She smokes pot, but I have a lot of druggy friends. Don't worry though. I don't. She is talking to me right now about becoming a mortician. Oh, in my upcoming Kenlei story, there is a part about her in a phone conversation, when she was talking about leather whips and German pornography, while listening to Disturbed. I'd rather not remember that.Upcoming Events - Invite over Amanda Story Plans Untitled New digidestined go to the Digital World Promise A surprise story for one of my favorite authors. I guess it's not a secret anymore! A Kenyako fic. Quote of the Day When you do a good deed, get a reciept, just in case heaven is like the IRS. |