![]() Author has written 16 stories for Legend of Zelda, Star Wars, Xena: Warrior Princess, Warcraft, Lord of the Rings, Stargate: Atlantis, StarTrek: Enterprise, and Chronicles of Narnia. I've been writing poetry, short stories, and novellas since about 1984, but never really had a good medium for getting them out until recently. I started writing my fan fiction when I heard my kids making up their own stories using characters and ideas from different video games, t.v. shows, and movies that seemed to have nothing to do with each other. I had originally thought, wouldn't it be interesting to see what it would look like if all of these elements were combined together into a single narrative? I try very hard to do my research into the lore and rules of the universes and series I use for my fan fiction and make them as authentic and plausible as possible while interweaving otherwise very disparate universes together. It's a challenge, and in some sense a responsibility that I take seriously and enjoy, and I hope those who read my work enjoy the results. The only series where I have substantially deviated from the established lore is the Zelda/Warcraft crossovers. It simply became impossible to be true to the combined components of this world and the established direction of the official World of Warcraft narrative. Thus, it had become an alternate Warcraft world, deviating just after the events of Cataclysm and before the endgame events of Mists of Pandaria. The same can be said for "Warcraft: For Unto Us a Savior" and its sequel being a major deviation from the canonical events of Battle For Azeroth (though one readers appear to enjoy better, I daresay). To be fair, I also deviated substantially from the lore of Xena: Warrior Princess, but it couldn't be helped in order to interweave the storyline with Biblical and Historical narratives. I'm a big fan of "The Legend of Zelda," and have been playing the games since the original was released back in the late eighties. I'm also a big Star Trek, Star Wars and Stargate geek and have watched more hours of all of the series involved with these universes than I am legally required to admit. I've been a World of Warcraft Player for several years now. I am also a big fan of Tolkien's work, the Myst series of games and books, Harry Potter, all of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles books, Dragonlance, Sherlock Holmes, and Superman. I also tend to cry at certain Disney movies. No, you may not find a bigger geek. On a more personal note, I am a former priest with the Old Catholic Church, having served as an Associate Pastor at two separate parishes, and am a religious studies scholar with degrees in the field. I have a fluent knowledge of New Testament Greek and am acquainted with Latin and Hebrew. I also maintain a blog at . If you're interested in a non-fiction work of mine, check out "The Rambles of a Wandering Priest" available on . I am currently working to publish works of original fiction. I currently live in Southern California, in the U.S. with my family. If you take the time to read my work, I'd appreciate a quick comment or note to let me know what you liked or didn't like about it so that I can continue to refine my writing. This should go without saying, but everything I post on this site is fan fiction and is for the purposes of entertainment and the advancement of my own writing skills only. They are, and will remain rough drafts which will never be published in hard copy or in any kind of professional manner for sale. The one exception to this rule is "Warcraft: For Unto Us a Savior" which I have rewritten, removing the copyrighted Intellectual Property owned by Activision Blizzard, and published on Amazon in ebook and paperback form as "Lightborn: An Epic Fantasy Tale of Messiah." If you find any of my fan fiction works available for sale online in any format, please know that this was done without my permission or knowledge, and without the consent of those holding the copyrights to the characters, places, and plotlines featured in my fan fiction works. I write these for my own pleasure and because people enjoy reading them and not for any other kind of profit. Please do not copy and paste my works and post them for sale. Thank you. (Yes, this has been a problem.) |