Author has written 2 stories for Misc. Games, Misc. Anime/Manga, Harry Potter, and Misc. Tv Shows. The stories I write come from the Paragon RPG system, by Tremorworks. There's a few reasons for that: 1) I helped write it, so it's familiar to me I've written things on and off all my life, but after reading Harry Potter and the Natural 20, and having a deep love for Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, I felt the universe crying out for a similar story with a Paragon character. This is the result. About me: I live in Rochester, where it's either Winter or Construction season. I've lived there all my life and probably will continue to do so. I have two cats. In my time I've been a loser, a wimp, a crybaby, a loner, a student, a debtor, an anime lover, a good friend and a brony. In fact, I was a brony back in G1, before it was cool. So there. If you wish even greater amounts of Paragon related hijinks, you can find me as Paragon-Writer over at FictionPress. You can find Susan's character sheet at the start of the adventure here. Sparkle can also be found. You can also find a guide to Paragon here. |