Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, and Batman. I'm not dead! (yay) i've just been doing work on my other accounts. you may see me around and about under other pen names. I have a few people out there who...don't like me and like to kill my accounts with flames so i space myself out a bit.This is where my JFF or just for fun stories are posted. Also my new batman series. I have Two things going on right now; Harry Potter 'The Sperm, The Egg and Black'- ah, all started when my friend was going away for awile and i was writing things for her to read when she was flying...i wanted to know that even 10000 km in the air people would still be freaked out by her uncontrolable laughter. 'Bug Eyes and Spoons.'- con. of SEB story. Batman Big excitement I'm sure, as I finally added another (though more serious) fanfic 'His situation' - the begging of Mary Kay and the follow of many other chapters. Look for more in the next two weeks. 'one big batty family' I'm also looking for a Beta-Reader. If i had one my fics could be up sooner. wink wink email me if your interested (two underscores) -POMM 17/07/07 |