Author has written 2 stories for Legend, Marie Lu, and Mulan. lover of art, fashion, food, and fandoms currently a pharmacy student! Dragon Fire // NOTE: So after rewatching Mulan and Mulan II, I immediately was hit by my newfound love for Shang x Mulan, so I came here and looked for fics. There was only one that I found particularly amazing, and that was "Towards the Setting Sun" by aleaiactaest93. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you go do that! (I'm very sad that the author hasn't updated in over a year though; it's an amazing story) That story has inspired me to write this little fic here, and there will be some similarites (EX perhaps some Turks? Maybe some of the same characters? [provided that aleaiactaest93 is credited where credit is due]) I, however, am not very good with the historical facts at all, so that'll be left out of the story. For reference, Mulan will be portrated by Jamie Chung (just as she was in the TV show, Once Upon a Time) and Shang will be portrayed by Yoshi Sudarso (just google Yoshistunts Shang Li). |
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