Author has written 10 stories for Lost World, Earth: Final Conflict, Inuyasha, and Voltron. Bio: Native Texas, free-lance writer, fan-fic writer since 1998. Hobbies: Play by mail RPG, Internet surfing, writing, 3-D rendering... HelIo and welcome! For your information, I write the following fanfiction based on different series: Voltron, Defender of the Universe Prince Lotor & Princess Allura pairings Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World televison series The10th Kingdom mini-series Wolf and Virginia pairing. Earth Final Conflict: Renee Palmer and Howlyn pairing. Inuyasha - Sesshoumaru and Kagome pairing. Kate & Leopold: Kate and Leopold pairing. Mostly romance, action, with some humour thrown in! I also have a website, Beyond Denubian.- http:// Thanks for stopping by, Tamysan |