Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter.
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and licensees, and the world of Malory Towers belongs to Enid Blyton and licensees. No money is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
What you'll find here: Fanfic, mostly Harry Potter, with a focus on older women who love other women. I'm a historian and therefore enjoy playing in the quasi-Edwardian setting that Rowling gives us, with the occasional foray into the actual Edwardian (or even Victorian) era, thanks to her long-lived characters such as Griselda Marchbanks and Bathilda Bagshot.
I'm fond of 19th- and early 20th-century women who go down their own path, whether they're short-haired and "mannish" or bunned and be-corseted. And of Filius Flitwick. I'm also German, by the way.
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In particular, you'll find ...
... historical fic about not your average women's relationships:
The Ladies of Godric's Hollow (Griselda Marchbanks and Bathilda Bagshot)
Ombra mai fu (Minerva McGonagall/an Elphinstone Urquart who has a surprise)
Witch Night, or How the Word 'Snitch' Entered Muggle German (Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank and Rolanda Hooch).
... genfic about not your average sort of fighter:
All Quiet, For Now (Amelia Bones, Minerva McGonagall)
Amor Vitae (Filius Flitwick)
The Camel's Back (Amelia Bones)
Cadence (Amelia Bones)
... fic about women exploring not your average same-sex desires:
Madam Malkin Calls It a Day (Amelia Bones, Madam Malkin, and an undisclosed Third Party)
The Thermodynamics of the Moka Pot (Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch/Amelia Bones)
The Thing About Travelling (Minerva McGonagall/Hermione Granger)
Ombra mai fu (Minerva McGonagall/Elphinstone Urquart)
... light old-lady romance:
Spinsters on a Sunday Morning (Minerva McGonagall, Irma Pince)
Sous le ciel ... (Minerva McGonagallWilhelmina Grubbly-Plank)
Patients and Perseverance (Poppy Pomfrey/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank)
The Thing About Travelling (Minerva McGonagall/Hermione Granger
and again, Ombra mai fu (Minerva McGonagall/Elphinstone Urquart).
... light young-lady romance:
My first-ever piece of fannish writing was a Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch, set in the fifties. It's ten years old now and, well a first piece of writing, but fans of young!MMRH might enjoy A Fine Match nonetheless.
... Harry Potter fanfic set outside Britain:
The Thing About Travelling (Minerva McGonagall/Hermione Granger -- West Africa)
Witch Night, or How the Word 'Snitch' Entered Muggle German (Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank and Rolanda Hooch -- 1930s Berlin)
Sous le ciel ... (Minerva McGonagallWilhelmina Grubbly-Plank -- Paris)
... and of course, the ever-popular theme 'Dykes and their Dogs':
Behavioural Studies (Miss Peters/Mam'zelle Rougier. Yes, Mam'zelle Rougier. You see, I think Mrs Blyton misunderstood her a little, what with her being French and all. Luckily, Miss Peters is little more perceptive, and so, of course, is Elvis.)
Sous le ciel ... (Minerva McGonagallWilhelmina Grubbly-Plank)
Patients and Perseverance (Poppy Pomfrey/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank)