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Poll: Do you want Voldemort somewhat 'redeemed' in my story "Erasing Death"? Vote Now!
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Joined 02-01-13, id: 4518720, Profile Updated: 04-19-13
Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter.

Hi there! I'm mostly a lurking reader who occasionally follows some fav ffs. Most of the time I read and forget... Or come back and re-read. Whatever works for the moment.

My only story-try is Erasing Death, which I've developed (adopted???) from a lovely author and my only writing real-life friend Vallory Russups. But I hope that as the story continues, it'll become more independent from her influence (no offense here!!).

I have a bunch of stories and authors I like, but frankly fanfiction isn't the centre of my life, so...

Really, compared to some other guys out here, I hardly ever spend time on the site... Maybe writing my own story will help me with that?

Some creature info for Erasing Death. Thought to put this out, even if it comes a bit earlier than the posting of the chapter.

- Vampires. There are high vampires, low vampires, and artificial vampires. The high vampires are the rarest and the most powerful, and come with the ability to turn others into vampires. Low vampires are born vampires, too, and although they usually have average magical power, they have an extra talent to make up for it. Both species live very long. Artificial vampires are the made vampires, and it doesn’t matter whether they are muggle or magical: either way they don’t get any additional ability other than blood-drinking and accelerated healing/sight, and have their lifespan prolonged only marginally.

- Demons: shadow (control shadows), dark (have a perfect night vision and are able to summon concentrated darkness in any form or shape), sex (or, more commonly known, “incubi” and “succubi”; can replenish their power during sexual acts), nightmare (control dreams, especially nightmares), time (can stop time for short moments, and sometimes even rewind it a bit), mind (have a natural affinity for the Mind Arts, plus some extra cookies in this field).

- Elves: house (hello Dobby here), wood (those are uncommon outside of their homes; work closely with weres; somewhat awkward and antisocial, but with an awesome power of nature-manipulation), goblins (well, we do have house elves in the family), dusk (those stern blokes with dark skin, relatives of demons; mostly assassins, which is funny considering how their counterparts, light elves, are supreme healers), light (your usual Legolas; superb healers but pretty arrogant. At least they have their intelligence to back it up), veelas.

- Fairyfolk: weather faeries (control weather, obviously), ambient faeries (suck energy out of the atmosphere around them; can come to a sticky end if there’s no magic around to fuel them, which can even lead to their deaths), fire/water/earth/air sprites (manipulate their respective element, but have absolutely no control over the other three. Even the usual spells are limited when it comes to those), dryads (are able to melt into trees and control them from the inside, all the while protected from the outside forces. Moreover, in this state they are able to draw the tree’s magic instead of their own).

- Werefolk: wolves, bears, foxes. They are always large and different from ordinary animals. All werewolves are forced to transform during full moons regardless of their wishes, but with time and patience they may learn to keep their mind, and also transform without it. Furthermore, they may reach mastery where they are able to transform only parts of their bodies.

- Part-reptilians: lizardfolk/lizardmen (have some lizard characteristics in them), drackens (have some artificially infused dragon blood in them. Because I refuse to believe in a coupling between a human and a dragon! Srsly, people, how would the dragon's thing even fir inside?), snakefolk/snakemen (natural Parselmouths; make some nice company for Harry). Only a snake-man can understand Parseltongue! Drackens and lizardkin don’t have any connection to the language, but they have a way of communication, a special dialect of their own.

- Other races (some more humanoid-like and sentient, others less): giants, trolls, centaurs, imps, merfolk, treefolk, gnome (they are not exactly connected to goblins, more to trolls and giants; their intellectual capacities are greatly limited), ogres, minotaurs, nagas, pixies.

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