Author has written 4 stories for S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Mass Effect, and Overwatch.
About me
Gender: Male. Name's Callisto. For real. You should see my ID card.
Age: Mid-thirties. (Holy crap, already?!)
Residence: Mar del Plata, a city on the Argentinean Atlantic seaboard. Loads of nothing happen here.
Fandoms: in no particular order - Mass Effect, STALKER, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Overwatch, Kill la Kill, Goblin Slayer, Monster Musume.
Shippings: I got Shepard-Liara-Miranda and Garrus-Tali in my first playthrough of the ME trilogy, so that's my headcanon. I don't really much care about pairings otherwise -- except that, however much I despise Homura's actions, I understand why she did what she did. Also, Kyosuke is a d*ck and I'd follow Kyoko's advice just out of spite. How dare you hurt Sayaka like that.
Stuff about my stories
Starwatch character list
Introduced during First Contact arc:
Alliance personnel
John Morrison - commander
Aleksandra Zaryanova - deputy commander
Mila Palukhina - chief medical officer
Anika Ziegler - assistant medical officer
Layali Amari - air support specialist
Lt. Col. Hana Song "D-Va" - hardsuit corps commander (on loan from MEKA)
Lena "Tracer" Oxton - scout and skirmisher
Genji Shimada - scout and skirmisher
Aki Kaname - sharpshooter, field corpsman
Charles Cumberland - sharpshooter, field corpsman
Jürgen Schreieder - shieldbearer
Vitaly Strokov - close quarters specialist
Misato Shizuki - sapper and fire support
Alliance Navy:
David Anderson
Karin Chakwas
Planetary Defense Forces:
Ashley Williams - militia leader for the Pokhara Resistance
Crew of the SSV London:
Cmdr. Paul Lefevre - commanding officer
Lt. Cmdr. Juliana Visconti - marine detachment commander
Lt. Aaliyah Shepard - platoon leader
Lt. Albrecht Wenner - platoon leader
Spec. Astrid Martinsson - shieldbearer
Spec. Yuri Aliyev - close quarters specialist
Cpl. Jacques Lemarchand - field engineer
Gabriel "Reaper" Reyes - former Blackwatch commander and Talon agent
Citadel personnel
The Council:
Matriarch Melara (Asari Republics)
Dalatrass Talron (Salarian Union)
Hierarch Paratus (Turian Hierarchy)
Armed forces:
Garrus Vakarian - Platoon leader for the Turian Hierarchy
Valena Danaan - Huntress, commando and biotics specialist
De'Alia Vasir - Huntress, commando and biotics specialist
Introduced during ME1 arc:
Alliance personnel:
Planetary Defense Forces:
Léon Kerkerian - commander of the Illyria City garrison, Elysium
'Sombra' - former Talon operative, name unknown