Author has written 34 stories for Flame of Recca, Weiss Kreuz, Angel Sanctuary, Final Fantasy VII, Harry Potter, LXG, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Pirates of the Caribbean, Angel, Count Cain: God Child, Fullmetal Alchemist, D N Angel, Prince of Tennis, Death Note, Samurai Deeper Kyo, and X/1999. Updated with more drabbles. Sorry about those who've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for updates on the series. I...don't know. Real life is a total bitch right now and I have no idea when my thoughts get coherent enough for me to construct another 2000 words chapter again. Sorry. GOMENASAI! SORRY SORRY SORRY! 'On the Rocks' have been removed from my account coz...smiles sheepishly I violated the rule for the summary. (Didn't know the summary had to be kept at G rating...) But the fic can still be found http:///Slash/rocks.htm"here . |