Author has written 9 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hey there, I'm threepinkdoors. I currently reside in the deviantArt community, but I decided to expand my viewers to I mostly focus on Hetalia fanfictions, especially reader-inserts, but I am also reaching out to other fandoms, slowly but surely, such as Rise of the Guardians. I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi and you will hardly see any grammar mistakes in my work, if any. I'm also a plotter, which means I plan everything and go by the book. That also means that although I'm open to suggestions and I consider them carefully, I have the overall say in what goes on in my fiction, as I am the author. You are not allowed to copy my work and pass it off on your own. That is a crime, make no mistake. You may distribute the link to any story. I am a generally awesome person to talk to and I would be ever so glad to answer any questions you may have regarding myself and my fiction. Although is my side account, you are more than welcome to reach me at Have a nice day! :D |