![]() Author has written 15 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Ranma, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Powerpuff Girls, Batman the Animated Series, DarkWing Duck, DuckTales, Megamind, and My Little Pony. All right, I know I've been kind of lazy about my profile, so, I'll give you people a little something to go on. Name: Celey (I prefer to be referred this way. You may also call me Her Supreme Cuteness.) Age: Was born in August 1988... Figure it out. :) Gender: Female Loves: Pugs Likes: Books, writing, Batman, marshmallows Dislikes: Bad grammar/spelling, romance novels (throw it in with bad plots), sports Hates: Pain (Not the characters. Though, I don't really care for them much, either.) I have many favorite cartoons/anime and many favorite characters. I will attempt to list them all in an organized fashion like so: Alice in Wonderland: Alice, the White Rabbit, Mad Hatter American Dragon Jake Long: Fuudog, Jake's Grandpa, Haley Animaniacs: Wakko, Dot, The Chicken Who Thinks He's a Human Avatar the Last Airbender: Uncle Iro, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Appa, Momo Batman Beyond: Bruce Wayne, Terry, the Jokerz Twins Dee Dee Batman Brave and Bold: Batman, Blue Beetle, Aquaman, MUSIC MEISTER!! THE MUSIC MEISTER!! OH MY GOSH!! Batman The Animated Series: Batman, Nightwing, Harley Codename Kids Next Door: Numbuh 2, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 5, The Toiletnator, The Tommy Courage the Cowardly Dog: Courage, The Computer Death Note: L, Matsuda, Ryuk, Rem Detective Conan: Kogoro Mouri, Shinichi, Heiji, Kaitou Kid, all of the Junior Detectives Dexter's Laboratory: Dexter, DeeDee, Mandark Dragonball (Z/GT): Chichi (kid), Oolong, Yamucha, Gohan (all forms including Great Saiyaman), Trunks (Kid/Future), Piccolo, Krillin, Tarble, Gure Emperor's New Groove (movie, hate the show): Kronk, Pacha Fairly Oddparents: Cosmo, Jorgen von Strangle, Poof, Chester, AJ, Tootie, Crocker Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Goo, Coco, Wilt, Mr. Herriman (A lot of people don't like him very much. I have no idea why.) Freakazoid!: Freakazoid Hey Arnold!: Arnold, Phoebe, Curly, Eugene, Arnold's Grandma Incredibles: Violet, Dash, Frozone, Edna Inuyasha: Miroku, Hachi, Rin, Kouga Invader Zim: Zim, Gir, Dibb Justice League (Unlimited): Batman (of course), Flash, The Question, Martian Manhunter, Booster Gold Lilo and Stitch: Nani, Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, Cobra Bubbles Little Mermaid: Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder Looney Toons: Daffy Duck, Foghorn, Speedy Gonzales, Slowpoke Rodriguez, Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote Meet the Robinsons: Will, Goob, Fanny (or is it Franny?) Megas XLR: Coop, Jamie, Kiva Monster's Inc.: Mike Wizowski, Sully, Boo, Celia Naruto: Naruto, Hinata, Kakashi, Jiraya, Tsunade, Pakkun (NINJA PUG! YES!), Gai, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Choji, Iruka, Kiba, Shino Paranoia Agent: Miromi, the detectives Peter Pan: Peter Pan, Wendy, The Lost Boys, Smee Pinky and the Brain: Pinky, Brain Pokemon (the show, I'll list my favorite Pokemon later): Brock, Officer Jenny, James Powerpuff Girls: Bubbles, Bunny, Narrator, Professor Utonium, Mojo Jojo, Rowdyruff Boys, Amoeba Boys, Ganggreen Gang Ranma 1/2: Genma Saotome, Soun Tendo, Kasumi Tendo, Tatewaki Kuno, Kodachi Kuno, Ryouga Hibiki, Mousse, Dr. Tofu Rugrats: Stu, Chuckie, Phil and Lil, Dil, Angelica Samurai Jack: Jack, Aku, Scotsman Shrek: Fiona, Snow White Tenchi Muyo!: Mihoshi, Washu, Sasami, Tenchi, Ryo-ohki Teen Titans: Robin, Nightwing, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, Bumblebee, Aqua Lad, Speedy, the Spanish Twins Tiny Toons: Plucky, Hampton, Babs Bunny, Elmira, Fifi Winnie the Pooh: Rabbit, Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Owl X-Men: Professor Xavier, Beast, Nightcrawler, Storm YuYu Hakusho: Kuwabara, Yusuke (even though he is a punk), Kurama, Botan, Yukina, Koenma, Genkai, Puu I have so many favorite Pokemon that I've decided to give them their own list. Favorite Pokemon: Raichu, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Wartortle, Dragonite, Lapras, Arcanine, Vulpix, Lickitung, Jynx, Magikarp, Psyduck, Hitmochan, Cyndaquil, Unown, Mareep, Suicine, Celebi, Mudkip, Plusle and Minun, Linoon, Delcatty, Spinda, Misdreavus, Altaria, Gardevoir, Absol, Zangoose, Bellossom, Rosalia, Beautifly, Dustox, Turtwig, Buneary, Chatot... I'm still playing Pokemon Pearl, so there's more to come. I'm sure I've forgotten a few of my other favorite Pokemon, too. I don't play too many video games. I guess I have picky tastes. I like the Zelda games, Kirby games, Monster Rancher, Pokemon, Dragon Warrior games, Animal Crossing, Spore, The Sims, Dark Cloud, Harvest Moon, Fusionfall, Clock Tower, Grand Theft Auto III (I don't like any other GTA game but GTA III. The reason is this: My sole reason for playing the game was to run over Mafia men the guys in suits and steal their cool black cars, drive them as fast as I can, then plunge into the ocean. I could amuse myself in this way for hours.), any racing game (Need for speed, man.), Super Smash Bros. (the only fighting game I'm good at), Mario Party, and Neopets. |