Author has written 2 stories for Legend of Zelda, and Gravitation. Whether I'm male or female doesn't concern you, nor does my age or location. You can come to your own conclusions about that. I'm an amateur, and I haven't been writing very long. That's all you really need to know. I took a long break from writing due to some personal issues I needed to take care of, but I am alive and kicking (and hopefully writing).Reviews are love. I won't bite, there's a separate fee for that. Update 10/2005: Good news, Jailbait /i is being updated as I speak. I had half the story written out and I finally figured out how I'm ending it. I am shamelessly looking for beta readers, so e-mail me if you're interested. More good news: I'm bringing back an old FF8 fic I had started under another penname but now am finally continuing and finishing. I also have new Gravitation, Harry Potter, and possibly Suikoden 4. Expect to see those coming up soon. Bad news: Even at the request of reviewers, I have decided not to move to Massachusetts. It's way too cold for me. |