Author has written 25 stories for Merlin, Harry Potter, Downton Abbey, and Hollyoaks. Hi! I'll keep this as brief as I can. I'm a teenage girl who enjoys writing (obviously, seeing as I'm here!) I'd love to be an author when I'm older, but I'm not sure if I'm good enough, to be honest. Would be amazing, though! I also like art, although I'm very bad at runs in the family! Enjoy reading, especially Harry Potter, which was actually what made me start writing fanfiction. :D Most of the fics I'll be writing in the future will be for either Merlin, Hollyoaks or Harry Potter. Don't really ship anyone from Merlin (kind of ship Merlin/Arthur, but the majority of fics I write about them will only consist of friendship.) May write a few Harry/Draco stories in the near future, but I'm not entirely sure yet. Love Ste/Brendan from Hollyoaks as well, so I will probably be writing a few fics about them sometime soon. A MASSIVE thank you to anyone who reviews my fics - it means a lot! I really appreciate the fact that people take the time to read the things I write, so thank you! I hope you enjoy reading my fics! :) |